Learning and Teaching

Term 1 Learning Conversations

Term 1 Learning Conversations will be held on Thursday 22nd February. Bookings are now open for our Term 1 Learning Conversations and can be made using your PAM Account.


Parent-Student-Teacher Learning Conversations allow for the co-creation and monitoring of student learning goals. All families are strongly encouraged to make a booking. Bookings will be face-to-face in classrooms unless families indicate that they would like to hold their conversation online.


Thursday 22nd February is a Pupil Free Day to allow for teachers and families to meet for Learning Conversations. 

St Therese's Instructional Model

St Therese’s Instructional Model is a visual representation that guides the learning and teaching practices of our school. When creating our instructional model, we looked at current best practice research, High Impact Teaching Strategies, our school context, and the needs of our students.


The St Therese’s Primary School instructional model has been designed to allow for consistent and collaborative instruction across classes. The model provides a framework for teachers and students as to how a lesson, or sequence of lessons, should be structured to ensure learning is explicit and purposeful. It works to engage all students and differentiate teaching and learning opportunities to cater for the diverse range of students in every class.


The instructional model supports both staff and students with a common language and approach to learning. It guides students and teachers through the learning process, whilst still allowing for individual learning and teaching styles in the classroom.

Parent Involvement

Parents are our student's first teachers. You can be hugely influential players in learning with and beside each student, and you play a critical role in the success of your child/ren. 


Instead of asking, "How was your day?", consider asking the following five important questions.

Class Newsletters

At the beginning of each term, each year level will send home a Class Newsletter detailing all of the exciting events and learning opportunities planned for the upcoming term. Please take a moment to read the Term 1 Class Newsletters for your child/ren.

Foundation - Term 1 Class Newsletter

Grade 1 - Term 1 Class Newsletter

Grade 2 - Term 1 Class Newsletter

Grade 3 - Term 1 Class Newsletter

Grade 4 - Term 1 Class Newsletter

Grade 5 - Term 1 Class Newsletter

Grade 6 - Term 1 Class Newsletter

PAM - Parent Information Session

Do you have any questions about how to access or use our Parent Access Module? Feel free to join us for our drop-in session on Monday 19th February at 3 pm in the Library.


PAM, or the Parent Access Module, is your one-stop shop for your child’s assessment reports, where you go to book Learning Conversations, update your child’s medical profile, give permission for school excursions and activities, and an option for putting in a Parent Notified Absence if your child is ill.


To access PAM, head to: https://pam.stkennington.catholic.edu.au/. Alternatively, St Therese's also utilises the SIMON Everywhere app as a way to access PAM from your mobile devices. 


Please note: ALL Students require an up-to-date and valid Medical Profile ASAP.