Catholic Identity
Beginning of Year Mass
You are all warmly invited to join us as we celebrate the beginning of the school year together. Our beginning of year Mass will be celebrated at 12.00 pm on Friday the 9th of February in St Therese's Church.
We hope to see you there.
Shrove Tuesday - 13th February
Shrove Tuesday is celebrated annually on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is a Christian Festival Day that celebrates the tradition of getting ready for fasting throughout Lent. Traditionally on Shrove Tuesday, Christians would use up rich foods in the house that would normally be abstained from during the season of Lent. It is also traditionally a day for attending church and receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation.
How do we celebrate Shrove Tuesday at St. Therese's:
Burning of the Palms Liturgy 2:30 pm
We burn the Palms to create ash to be used at the Ash Wednesday Masses, we prepare our hearts and minds for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving which are used to observe the season of Lent. We farewell the Alleluia for the season and kick off Project Compassion - Caritas Australia's annual appeal.
The Parents and Friends Association generously cooks pancakes for the school community to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
Ash Wednesday - 14th February
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent in the Catholic Church. On Ash Wednesday Catholics receive the sign of the cross on their foreheads in Ash. Ashes are a traditional biblical symbol of repentance and the act of having the cross traced on the forehead symbolises our belonging to Christ, and the act of giving ourselves to Christ in a special way during the season of Lent.
You are invited to attend Mass on Ash Wednesday in the Church.
9:15 am Grades 6, 4 and 2
12:30 pm Grades 5, 3 and 1
Project Compassion
Next week marks the beginning of Caritas Australia's annual appeal - Project Compassion.
Caritas Australia is the major international aid and development Agency of the Catholic Church. They work with communities around the world developing programs enabling income generation, access to water and sanitation, food security, education, and disaster risk reduction.
At St. Therese's we support the Project Compassion Appeal through solidarity and fundraising activities.
Solidarity Lunch - Tuesday 20th February.
On Tuesday the 20th of February all students are invited to participate in a rice solidarity lunch. We are encouraging all to bring a plain rice lunch to school and consider donating to Project Compassion the amount lunch would usually cost the family.
The entire school will gather together for this Lunch.
Project Compassion boxes and flyers
Keep an eye out for the Project Compassion collection boxes and flyers that are coming home in week 3. Each family will receive a box and information flyer. We hope that you can support the appeal with any change you have around the house. You might find that your children are keen to donate a portion of their pocket money, or money saved from "fasting: from luxuries they might give up for Lent.