What's happening?

Dates to remember
Below are important dates for the first half of the term and a link to the Term Calendar for the whole of term 1.
Week 7 | |
Sunday 10/3 | Ramadan begins |
Monday 11/3 | Adelaide Cup Public Holiday |
Tuesday 12/3 | Pupil Free Day |
Wednesday 13/3 | NAPLAN testing begins for year 3 & 5 students |
Thursday 14/3 | Year 6 Aquatics |
Week 8 | |
Monday 18/3 | Principal Tour |
Tuesday 19/3 5.45pm | Governing Council meeting |
Wednesday 20/3 | National Day of Action Against Bullying |
Thursday 21/3 | Harmony Day |
Week 9 | |
Thursday 28/3 | Sports Day |
Friday 29/3 | Good Friday |
Week 10 | |
Monday 1/4 | Easter Monday |
Tuesday 2/4 | World Autism Day |
Tuesday 2/4-Monday 8/4 | 3 way interviews (Parent/Teacher/Student) |
Friday 5/4 | Assembly |
Week 11 | |
Friday 12/4 | Last day of term - 2.00pm dismissal |
Swimming Photos
We hope you enjoy the photos of some of our students learning new things at swimming.
We have new flags!
Today Michael Brown MP Member for Florey attended our assembly. Michael presented us with new Australian and Aboriginal flags which we will now be able to fly proudly on our flag poles at the front of the school. Thank you to P6 students who have learnt about flag protocols and raise and lower our flags each day.
It's been great to see most of our students wearing school uniform on their return to school this year. Uniform is an important part of belonging to our school community and following our whole school expectations and we are happy to support anyone having difficulty in sourcing the items included in our guidelines. We understand that an item may not be available for a child to wear at times but do ask that this is communicated with your child's class teacher so we can support.
Our uniform shop has well-priced items for sale. These can be purchased from the office or on Qkr!