Lord Jesus, 

I give you my hands to do your work. I give you my feet to go your way. I give you my eyes to see as you do. I give you my tongue to speak your words. I give you my mind that you may think in me. I give you my spirit that you may pray in me. Above all, I give you my heart that you may love in me your Father and all mankind. I give you my whole self that you may grow in me, so that it is you, Lord Jesus, who live and work and pray in me. 


We pray ... 

for.....our staff as they prepare for the year ahead; our St Nicholas students and families, especially our new Kindergarten students and those students and families who are new to our school; for all those who have completed their schooling and are now beginning a new chapter in their adult life; and for all those who have lost loved ones.


Welcome back to our 2024 school year! We warmly welcome all of our new families and hope you will enjoy your time at St Nicholas School and Parish community. 


Beginning of the School Year Mass (Years 1 - 6)

Our first whole school Mass for the year will be held this Friday 9th February in the School Undercroft. Our new Kindergarten children will not be attending this Mass and will instead enjoy a calm and quiet morning with their teachers in their learning spaces.

ALL STUDENTS IN YEARS 1 TO 6 WILL NEED TO WEAR THEIR FULL SUMMER UNIFORM. Our Year 6 School and House Captains will be commissioned and receive their badges during our Beginning of Year Mass. Parents and friends are welcome to join us in celebrating this special mass.


Project Compassion Boxes

Each family will be receiving a small Project Compassion box to keep in their home during Lent. The theme of Project Compassion 2024 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.


We are particularly encouraged during Lent to give greater attention those who might be in need. One way we are able to do this as a Catholic Community is by supporting Project Compassion run by CARITAS Australia and over the next forty days of Lent we should be looking to make monetary contributions (big or small) to these boxes.


We are aware of many local families doing it tough given the current circumstances so prayers for those in need and random acts of kindness that don't cost money can be just as good as a monetary contribution!



With Shrove Tuesday taking place before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, it was the day when Christians were encouraged to go to confession in preparation for the penitential season that would end 40 days and 40 nights later with Easter Sunday. Dating back to 1000 AD, over the years Shrove Tuesday not only became a day for Confession but a time for Catholics to feast on eggs, sugar and dairy which are traditionally restricted during the Lenten fast.


Shrove Tuesday 13th February – Pancakes are back!


What better way to prepare for the start of Lent then with a fundraiser for Caritas!


Pancakes and fruit sticks will be served to St Nicholas students for a gold coin donation to Caritas.


Ash Wednesday Mass Years 3-6 – Wednesday 14th February 

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. To mark this occasion Years 3-6 will attend mass in the Undercroft area beginning at 9.30am. Normal Sport Uniform to be worn for this Mass. Parents and friends are warmly welcomed to join us at this Mass. 


Kindergarten, Year 1 & Year 2 will receive the Ashes in a small Liturgy in their learning spaces.


Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. The practice of administering ashes on this day dates back to the Middle Ages. Ashes are intended to remind us of our human condition and that the things of this world are transitory. They are also a sign of repentance. The Ashes are made from burning the dry palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday and are placed on the foreheads in the sign of the cross with the words: “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”


All student will receive Ashes unless parents otherwise communicate with their child's class teacher.



Family Masses

Our Family Masses have become an important part of our School culture and these are usually held on the first Sunday of every month of the school term. Therefore our first Family Masses for this term will be held on Sunday 3rd March (Kindergarten and Yr 6) and Sunday 7th April (Yr 1 and Yr 5) at St Nicholas Church at 9.30a.m. These Masses are an opportunity for our School community to come together with our Parish Community to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and to share a ‘cuppa ‘and morning tea afterwards. 


Pastoral Care

As a School Community we often include the needs, sorrows and joys of our families in our prayers. This is done through class prayer, whole school prayer on assemblies and intentions mentioned in our weekly newsletters. If you experience the loss of a loved one, the anxiety of someone suffering ill-health or the joy of a new addition to your family, please let us know here at school so efforts can be made to include these intentions in our prayers.


Our Pastoral Care is vital in our commitment to show care, support and compassion for those families or individuals who may be experiencing difficulty or suffering through grief, loss or other personal issues. Simple support from others such as the cooking of meals, babysitting children, picking up and dropping off children or other chores such as ironing and shopping are some practical ways the load can be lightened. If you or your family are in need in any way throughout the year and would like support, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Dunst or Mrs Daley.


This year our Year 3 and Year 6 baptised Catholic students will be involved in Sacramental Programs for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation respectively. These are important events in the life of our students, School and Parish and we look forward to sharing these occasions with our students. For new students enrolling at St Nicholas in 2024, if there is a Sacrament that they have missed receiving please contact Mrs Dunst as soon as possible  rdunst@arm.catholic.edu.au


The following dates have been set aside for these special events:


First Reconciliation - Year 3 - Wednesday 12th June 2024

First Eucharist - Year 3 - Weekend of 15th/16th June 2024

Confirmation - Year 6 - Weekend of 7th/8th September 2024

Please mark these dates on your family calendar.



Student who are baptised Catholics and have received their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are eligible to become an Altar Server. Altar Server training will be conducted on Thursday 21st March at St Nicholas Church 4pm-5pm. More information will be forthcoming in later weeks.