Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Middle School Update

As we journey through the start of the academic year, it's been heartening to witness our Year 7 and new students at Salvado Catholic College growing in confidence as they familiarise themselves with our campus. Over the past weeks, they've embraced the opportunities presented to them, both academically and socially.


During lunchtimes, our students have discovered various avenues for relaxation and recreation. Whether it's engaging in friendly matches of table tennis at the CAS, immersing themselves in board games, or diving into a good book in the tranquil environment of the Hub, or simply enjoying the camaraderie of friends in the Auditorium, they've found spaces to unwind and connect. The open grassed areas and basketball court have provided platforms for energetic activities, fostering a healthy balance between study and play.


Moreover, our students are seizing leadership opportunities with enthusiasm. Application forms for pivotal roles such as PCG and House Representatives for the year 2024 have been diligently completed. Under the guidance of our Year Coordinators, interviews are underway to identify those who will step into these important positions, embodying the values of responsibility and service to our community.


Last week's Year 7 Parent Information Night was a resounding success, with a strong turnout reflecting the shared commitment of parents, caregivers, and educators towards our students' holistic development. Witnessing our dedicated staff share their expertise and witnessing the genuine engagement of families as they interacted with PCG teachers, discussing their children's progress and aspirations, was truly uplifting. These connections forged between home and school are the cornerstone of a supportive and thriving educational environment.


As we continue to nurture and support our students in their educational journey, let us celebrate the achievements and milestones, both big and small, that mark their growth and development. Together, as a community dedicated to academic excellence and holistic wellbeing, we look forward to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead at Salvado Catholic College.


Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)