Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Junior School Update

As we soon enter into Week 3, the energy in Junior School is electric! Our students have settled into their new academic surroundings, embracing new teachers, Learning Spaces, and forming connections with classmates. The Junior School is filled with positive vibes and countless smiling faces.



Reflecting on their learning journey, students have set goals for 2024, envisioning the kind of students they aspire to be and creating an ideal learning space atmosphere. Creativity is bursting with Art lessons that are inspiring, with teachers' enthusiasm rubbing off on students.


Exciting updates include the introduction of the Talk for Writing program, allowing students to read and write independently for various purposes. The 123 Magic approach is also underway, focusing on building self-regulation in children for improved behaviour and relationships.



Entering into the Lenten season, leading up to Easter, starts on Ash Wednesday. This week, we all enjoyed pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. We have looked at Lent and discussed how fortunate we are in our lives. 


Year 6 students are transitioning into senior-level roles and responsibilities, gaining valuable insights into this pivotal stage. 


As we navigate through this Term, we continue to be a hub of inspiration and positive growth.


Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)