Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

The Early Years

Focus on Kindy and Pre Primary 

Our Kindy students have transitioned beautifully into their new Learning Spaces. This is a completely new experience for a lot of our little people, and Mrs Simpson and Mrs de Vidal have provided such a nurturing and welcoming environment for all our Kindy students. Although we have had some tears at drop off, I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that once the students get into their activities for the day, the tears soon go away. This is also a timely reminder that if your child is unsettled for a prolonged period of time, rest assured that you will be contacted. 


Our Pre-Primary students have had an exciting start to full-time school this year. Not only are they learning all about their new Learning Spaces and friends, they have also been introduced to a wide range of teachers, as this year they will commence specialist Learning Areas.  


The school has purchased licenses to ParentTV (login details have been emailed to parents/carers). In relation to starting school and tips for parents, I would like to suggest watching the following 40minute video. 


I hope you'll find the video helpful and informative. Don’t forget that the team of Teachers and Education Assistants at Salvado are also available to assist you with any queries. 

Early Years Information Evening 

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Early Years Information Sessions. Walking around, it was great to see a solid turnout across all year levels. These evenings are an important opportunity to learn about the year ahead for your child. If you were unable to attend, please take the time to read through the PowerPoint presentations provided by your child’s Learning Space teacher. 

Auskick (PP-Year2) 

The AusKick Program begins this Thursday (15th February) at 7.30am on the field outside the front of Year 2. 


Please bring: 

  • Water bottle 
  • Footy clothes / sports clothes are optional, if they would like to wear them. If not, the Salvado sports uniform is fine. There will not be anyone to dress them so please ensure the children can dress themselves. 
  • Sunscreen on the children. I will have some if they forget.   

It is optional if parents wish to stay, otherwise feel free to kiss and drop. 



Please be advised the area between the K/PP block and Year 1/2 block is currently undergoing some renovations. Unfortunately, we noticed some structural damage to the decking and we are currently working on prioritising getting this fixed quickly so that the students have access to the whole area again. Thank you for your understanding and patience. 



Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2)