A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carergivers 


The Parent/Caregiver Information Afternoons/Nights are important events on the College calendar. They are vital opportunities for us to come together, learn, and strengthen our bonds as a community.


Insight into Your Child's Education: These sessions provide valuable insights into your child's educational journey. From curriculum updates to teaching methodologies, you'll gain a deeper understanding of what your child experiences in the classroom every day.


Engagement and Support: Parent/Caregiver active participation demonstrates a commitment to your child's education. By attending these nights, you show your child that you value their learning and are invested in their success.


Building Relationships: Parent Information Nights aren't just about receiving information; they're about building relationships. They  are an opportunity to connect with other parents, teachers, and staff, fostering a sense of community and support.


Partnership in Education: Education is a partnership between home and school. By attending these sessions, you become an active partner in your child's education, working collaboratively with teachers and staff to support their growth and development.


Access to Resources and Support: Whether you have questions about school guidelines and procedures, extracurricular activities, or academic support services, Information Nights provide a forum for you to seek answers and access resources that can benefit your child.


Thank you to the parents/caregivers who have and will be attending the upcoming nights for your continued support and dedication to our school community. Together, we can empower our students to thrive academically, socially and spiritually.


Blazers - Year 7 to Year 10

The Blazers arrived at the College this week and following their arrival, information will be provided to parents and caregivers as to when they can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. The will cost is $165 for sizes 8 to 22 and, $175 for sizes 23 to 26. When purchasing the blazer a parent/caregiver must be in attendance with the student to ensure the correct size is purchased. 


Blazers are a compulsory part of the College uniform in Term Two and Term Three for the Secondary students. Students are required to wear the blazer to and from the College and throughout the day. The blazer may also be required for special occasions throughout the year.


Ordination of Deacon Errol

Deacon Errol has officially been accepted for priestly ordination. His priestly ordination will take place at 7pm, Friday 19th of April at St Mary's Cathedral,  please keep him in your prayers. Members of the Salvado Catholic College community are very welcome to attend the ordination.  After his ordination Fr Errol will celebrate each of the Armadale Masses that weekend in thanksgiving, and the Parish will throw a party for him after the 9.30am Mass on Sun 21st of April.



Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
