Senior School News

Year 10

Senior School Update

Learning Focus: Graphics Design 

It is important that the College crafts its curriculum with an eye to students’ future employment landscape. With evolving technologies a very real aspect of our workforce, students must be provided with opportunities to grow their skills in this area. Recently the College purchased three new 3D printers to help enrich student learning. How are 3D printers entering today’s employment landscape? Members of our community may find the following account by Year 10 student Blair Lawson of interest: 


The capabilities of a 3d printer are only limited by the imagination of the user. 
The main use for a 3d printer is to create anything that the maker desires. This could be anything from a vase, or something a bit more articulated such as moving parts for certain machines and other such things like moving parts of a dragon’s body. 
In the workplace, 3D printers are becoming more and more widespread. They are used to plan the construction of buildings, and they can be used to create prosthetics and they can even be used for knee replacements. 3D printed parts are even used in modern aircraft and cars. All of these examples come about as a result of the creative use of a person’s mind. 
The inner working of the 3D printer revolves around the heating and molding of filament to fit a design or mold that the creator has designed. For printing online use trusted websites such as Thingiverse which allows people to share designs which can be 3D printed. 


To help ready our students for their world, it is important that we look for authentic learning opportunities. In our Year 10 Graphics Design class, students have been set a challenging yet authentic task by Learning Area Coordinator, Mrs Knight. No doubt this challenge will help students become more aware of the need to satisfy a client’s brief in the business world. Year 10 student Yazdan Omid explains what this learning task entails: 


In Graphics Design, our students have been given the opportunity to design a set for the upcoming College production, yet to be revealed. Our students are working diligently to provide set ideas for this future production. Different groups are focusing on different aspects of the play, including set design, prop design, audio and visual effects and play promotion. Our students are working with the director of the play to ensure that we bring her ideas to life for a fascinating play that you will enjoy and remember. 


Just Start IT! 

This year, the College successfully applied to join the acclaimed Just Start IT initiative. This innovative program takes engaged learning to the next level through exploration, discovery and creativity. A multi-dimensional program which builds students’ knowledge and entrepreneurial capacity through mentorship, this initiative aims to build a force of business and technology savvy job creators.  


Salvado’s participants William McKinley, Rehaan Terans, Mitchell Hillyard, Logan Woods and William Hall are being generously supported by Mrs Burgoyne and passionately mentored by Just Start IT co-creator Lainey Weiser. We look forward to hearing more about their journey during Semester One. 



Quote of the Week:

You don’t learn to fly if you’re not prepared to crash. 


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)