
Graham Sinclair

Careers News


Key Dates

Yr 12 Careers Expo Excursion Melbourne Convention Centre 2nd  May 2024 Optional

Yr 10 Careers Show Excursion Whole year level 17th of May 

Yr 10 Work Experience 24th – 28th of June. 

Yr 9 Career Insights Test late term 2

Yr 9 Work Experience 2nd-13th December


Yr 12 Visit to Deakin’s Waterfront and Waurn Ponds Campus. 

To conclude the year 12 study camp students visited both of Deakin’s “Geelong” campuses. Students completed a tour of the facilities, and finished off with a quiz for prizes, and lunch overlooking the iconic Geelong Pier. 



Yr 12 Careers Expo Excursion Caulfield Racecourse 2nd May Optional

Year 12 students will have the opportunity to attend the VCE and Careers Expo which is held at Caulfield Racecourse. This is an optional excursion for the students to attend, but it is highly recommended the opportunity to opt into this event is via Compass, and the cutoff date for that is 10th of March as we are required to register the numbers at this stage. 



Yr 10 Work Experience 24th – 28th  of June. 

All Year 10 students will participate in one week of work experience during the last week of June. Blank Work Experience forms will be available to the students via compass, and a copy will be sent to students via email following an assembly next week during their PDL classes. If students face difficulty printing forms they can come and collect a copy from me. Students should aim to have their forms returned by the first week of June. This will allow time for processing the forms. Students can contact me should they require help find a potential host for their work experience.  


Yr 10 PDL Program.  

To enable the students to continue their exploration of potential pathways and their career development the college will be running a information sessions during the PDL program across semester 1 culminating in the students completing preparing for and participating in a three way discussion about their preferred next step in education. The program will include presentations from industry representatives, some of whom will be former students. Students will also go on whole day excursions to tertiary institutions to explore their options. 


Yr 9 Career Insights Test late term 2

During term 2 students will  participate in the Department of Educations My Career Insights program. This program takes one approach that can provide students with some insights into career options. The program is constantly being refined and further details of this year’s program will be communicated to parents. The testing for this program will take place during the students PDL classes during semester 1. 



Yr 9 Work Experience TBC 

All Year nine students will be participating in a two-week work experience program, from late November into the first week of December. The students can complete either one two week placement or two one-week placements. Work Experience provides the students with the opportunity to explore and experiment with options. Students are encouraged to begin preparations as soon as possible. For some students in year 9 they will not be 15 at the time of work experience will require that their host has a working with children’s card and that a copy of that is provided with the completed forms. We will have an assembly with the Yr 9 students during term 2 to go through these arrangements and the process for work experience. 



Should you require any further details regarding any of the above, or you wish to discuss any issues relating to careers please feel free to contact me.


Graham Sinclair

Career Practitioner.

Ph: 9438 8282