Sub School Report

Rebecca Taylor - Senior Sub School & Tara Librio - Junior Sub School

The start to the year for all students has been phenomenal, with great looking uniforms, wonderful behaviour and a real enthusiasm to be back.


In Junior this year we have an entirely new Sub-School with new Coordinators at each Year level. At Year 7 we have Sam Weavell and at Year 8 Shae Audley & Alice Potashnyk. The Year 9 Coordinator is Caillin Malloy. 

As the new head of Sub-School, Tara Librio will be responsible for supporting the Year Level Co-ordinators and ensuring that together, we promote a culture of high expectations for students and build strong collaboration and communication with parents and families.   

In the last few weeks, we have had our new Year 7 students settle in and partake in the Start Up Program which enabled students to learn the expectations and processes of Diamond Valley College. It also gave them an opportunity to get to know their teachers and other students, along with setting up their device, lockers and locks. 


We welcome all families of our new Year 7 students to attend the Welcome BBQ on Thursday 7th March from 5.00-6.30pm. Here you will get to meet your child’s Level Up Teachers. This is then followed by a BBQ in the courtyard.


Year 7 Camp from Wednesday 28th February until Friday 1st March! Students are buzzing with excitement as they plan their cabin buddies and in the upcoming week will be given a lot of detail about what they need to pack and the day-to-day activities they will be partaking in. 


For our Year 8 and Year 9 students, planning is underway for some interesting incursions this year. Our Year 9 students have commenced their new elective subjects this year. These electives offer students breadth in their education, allowing them to develop skills beyond what they find in their core academic classes. It also enables them to discover new interests and passions. 


In Senior School we welcome some new Year Level Leaders to the Team . We have Brendan Warren-Smith at Year 10, Jacqui Hickling at Year 11 and Brigette Gilmour will be moving up to Year 12 Year level leader. Jess Cox will be the VM Co-ordinator and Bec Taylor will continue as the head of Senior Sub-School, whilst Acting Assistant Principal this term. 


Our Senior Students have commenced the year well into their VCE programs, which started for 11 & 12 students last year, through the orientation program.  We welcome our Year 10 students to Senior School which presents many new opportunities including starting an advanced placement and VET some subject for some students. All students are now settled into their programs and working towards successfully achieving the subject outcomes. Preliminary planning has started for our year 10’s regarding work experience, as well as some other leadership opportunities which further information will be provided in the near future. 


Our Year 12 students have had a great start to their final year of secondary school by attending the year 12 camp from Monday 5 February – Wednesday 7th February , at Camp Wilkin in Anglesea. This Camp was a great opportunity to connect the cohort, start some intensive English work , listen to a guest speaker, set goals in their homegroups and have the opportunity to complete some recreational activities.  


All VCE students have been informed about our attendance policy, which is aligned with VCAA requirements. Students were given the policy letter in year level assemblies, and we ask they are returned to the Sub-School office next week.  If your child is absent from school due to a medical reason all medical certificates must be brought to the senior sub-school office so it can be amended on compass as an approved absent. 


We are all looking forward to our House Swimming Carnival next Friday today at Aquarena. For Year 7 students, they can find what House they are a part of on Compass next to their photo.  We look forward to seeing all our students dress up in their house colours/ costumes to support their house, especially our year 12’s continuing the Diamond Valley tradition of dressing up in some creative different themes. 


Term 1 is a short term, but a busy one and we have a few hot days ahead of us. Please make sure students come to school with a water bottle to stay hydrated!


The Sub-School teams look forward to working together with students and families as they continue their learning journeys and encourage parents and students to reach out to staff in these teams when support is needed.


Additional Information  

  • We ask that families sign their child in and out from the front office if they have appointments. Externally signing your child out on Compass causes safety concerns as to the child travelling / exiting the school. 
  • Our school has implemented the new 5 R policy regarding student management and behaviour. Students are quickly becoming familiar with this and we are finding this consistent approach among staff is helping students be clear on the our behaviour expectations. Please assist the school in talking to your child about this process. 
  • A reminder that at Diamond Valley College we expect school academic uniform. For students who are repeatedly out of uniform, we will need to follow up with consequences for being out of uniform. Predominantly, we are asking parents to support us in not having your child wear tracksuit pants or runners.  If your child has a special consideration, please contact the sub-school for relevant documentation.