Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Andrew 3A for always demonstrating whole body listening while putting 100% effort into all of the activities. Well done Andrew!

Visual Arts - Eric for showing determination, focus and pride in his art work. Eric independently developed an idea for his art journal, took on feedback and completed the work independently.  He exemplified the school value of being a learner! Well done Eric!

Performing Arts - Thao 4B for demonstrating pride and resilience in our Drama introduction. Well done for displaying great effort and encouragement to your peers during collaborative team building exercises and Drama icebreakers. 


6B - Ramiah for being a fantastic role model to others by consistently modelling the school values and in particular, whole body listening. Keep up the awesome work!

5B - Tha Tha for showing integrity in your work, being respectful to your peers and teachers, and showing responsibility for your learning. 

Well done on a great start to grade 5! 


4A - Trajko for a terrific start to 2024! He has been engaged and cooperative, sharing many insightful ideas and thoughts with his class. Well done Trajko! Keep up your wonderful efforts!

4B - Leron for having a great start to Year 4! You have demonstrated all of our school values, in particular the value of collaboration by helping your classmates and teacher. Thank you and well done!

4C - Max for consistently demonstrating integrity and resilience. You tried your best and persevered when facing challenges. Fantastic work, Max! 


3A - Tyler for consistently demonstrating ‘Respect’ and ‘Integrity’. He is a fantastic role model for others and is congratulated on making an excellent start to Grade 3. 

Well done Tyler! 

3B - Shalom  This award is for a fantastic first week at Deer Park West. It's been great to see you fit right into 3B and showing resilience. Keep it up, Shalom! 

3C - 3C for a fantastic start to the school year!


2C - Sarah for having a great start to grade 2, and demonstrating all of the school values.

2B - Arshpreet for consistently demonstrating the DPW values and her excellent attitude to learning.

2A - All of 2A! All students have been making positive choices to be respectful and learners this week!


1B -  Obed for settling in to classroom routines easily. Obed has shown he is a Respectful Leaner who is always kind to his teachers and peers. Well done Obed!

1A - Liam for showing resilience and following the morning routines each day. Keep it up Liam, you’re doing a great job!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 1A - Liam for showing resilience and following the morning routines each day. Keep it up Liam, you’re doing a great job!


Upper primary: 4C - Max for consistently demonstrating integrity and resilience. You tried your best and persevered when facing challenges. Fantastic work, Max!