L.O.T.E. - Mandarin
中文(zhōng wén)
L.O.T.E. - Mandarin
中文(zhōng wén)
你好 (nǐ hǎo, hello), everyone! Learning a new language at any age offers enormous opportunities and enjoyment. Children have the most to gain from this brilliant experience. Our Mandarin program here at Blackburn Primary School provides a respectful, interesting and interactive language learning environment. Our goal is to make our language learning experience much more FUN!
Language Topics: Greeting, Body parts, Family members, Numbers 0-9999, Money, Food, Sports, Countries and School life.
Chinese Culture Study: Chinese Festivals, Terracotta Warriors, The Forbidden City, The Giant Panda and The Great Wall of China.
Chinese Songs:《新年好》(Happy New Year), 《有魔力的话》(The Magic Words), 《我叫Tim》 (My name is Tim.), 《数字歌》(Numbers), 《我的身体》(My body), 《家人在哪里》(Where is My Family),《彩虹》(Rainbow), 《两只老虎》(Two Tigers), 《铃儿响叮当》(Jingle Bells) and etc.
Chinese Stories:《年》(Year),《元宵节》(The Lantern Festival),《屈原》(Qu Yuan),《嫦娥的故事》(The story of the lady living on the moon), 《三个和尚》(Three monks),《中国十二生肖》(12 Chinese Zodiac Animals) and etc.
Chinese Games: '中国大富翁' (Chinese Monopoly), ‘筷子’(Chopstick), ‘扔沙包’ (Catch me if you can), ‘踢毽子’ (Shuttlecock kicking), ‘太极球’ (Tai chi ball), ‘数字游戏’ (Chinese Bingo Game), ‘心脏病’ (Number game: Heart Attack), ’数字圈’ (The Number Circle) and etc.
iPad Apps: Kahoot!, Showbie, Explain Everything, Keynote, Chinese Writer and etc.
Other Activities: panda quiz (Year 6), paper cutting, origami, drawing, puzzles, sewing, cooking lessons, competitions and etc.
Let me introduce our language captains: Mengsi & Hetu. This year they will work closely with me to make sure of the smooth running of the Chinese room and Mandarin programs. This Friday they are going to present their first 'Mandarin Moment' at assembly. I am extremely happy to have them as our language captains.
Chinese Day will be held on Wednesday, 27th March 2024. It will be a wonderful day of fun, learning and celebration of the Chinese language and culture. Children and teachers will dress up in Chinese costumes or the colours of red. Throughout this special day the whole school will participate in many activities such as Chinese Storytime, crafts and games. It’s going to be a fun day!
2024 is the Year of the Dragon. The dragon is an symbol of strength and power. It is also associated with good fortune, wisdom, success and protection. We hope the Year of the Dragon brings you good health, prosperity and happiness! 新年好 (xīn nián hǎo, Happy New Year), everyone!
Chinese Lunar New Year Dragon Festival - Sunday 11th February
Venue: Chinatown Melbourne
NGV Lunar New Year Celebration - Saturday & Sunday 10-11 February
Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with free activities at NGV.
If you have any questions regarding our Mandarin program at BPS, please do not hesitate to come and see me or email me on yi.zhang@education.vic.gov.au . Thank you for your support of the BPS Mandarin program.
Yi Zhang
LOTE Co-ordinator
Blackburn Primary School