APF Staff Contacts

Industrial Officer – Phillip Banks
A very warm welcome is extended to Phillip Banks who is taking on the role of Industrial Officer and commenced this week. Phillip has recently retired from the Department after more than 30 years of service. He brings to the role a wealth of experience and deep understanding of the roles and responsibilities incumbent upon school leaders. Throughout Phillip’s long service to the Department, he has had experience in rural and metropolitan schools. His association with the APF has been a long one as a member and as a strong advocate and supporter of the Federation.
Support Officer – Wayne Burgess
We are truly delighted to have Wayne back at the APF working in a support and advisory role. Wayne has accumulated over 40 years of service with the Department, after which time he has worked with a number of organisations in the education space. Wayne now returns to the APF with extensive experience and a profound comprehension of the duties and expectations associated with school leadership. We look forward to having him onboard.
If you need support and assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We can be contacted as per the details below.
Jenna Benison Executive Officer |
Phillip Banks Industrial Officer |
Wayne Burgess Support Officer |
Tina King President –Vic Branch
Ph: 0412 584 002
Ph: 0417 148 066 |
Ph: 0412 584 002
Ph: 0418 478 807 |