Year 8

Year 8 has started 2024 with a bang beginning the new school year with positive attitudes and enthusiasm. Their high attendance in the first couple of weeks of school has demonstrated a strong commitment to their learning and a willingness to get involved with school events.
Year 8 are settling into their classes well and have already started to show their creativity. In Year 8 English they are undertaking a unit about monsters from around the world and have already had a go at designing their own. Their design skills are further being put to the test in Art, where they are learning about mythical creatures and practising drawing them for an eventual gelli print.
They have already had a strong showing in school events with lots of Year 8 getting in the pool and swimming for their house as well as cheering from the sidelines in the 2024 swimming carnival.
With such a strong start to the year, 2024 is shaping up to be a great year for Year 8.
Ms Crompton
Year Advisor