Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Mathematics in Stage 3
In 2023, the Junior School implemented a grouping approach to Mathematics, whereby students from the 7 homeroom classes were placed into one of 10 ability-based Mathematics classes. This structure allowed for smaller class sizes and targeted teaching to meet each student at his point of need. The ten classes were designed in a way so that each class was paired with another of similar ability, allowing staff to collaborate, plan and assess effectively. Data obtained at the end of the 2023 academic year from Academic Assessment Services (AAS) and ACER Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT-Mathematics) showed pleasing growth for students of all abilities.
Due to the positive outcomes in terms of student learning, Stage 3 will follow the same model for Mathematics in 2024. Last week, Year 6 students moved into their Mathematics classes, and Year 5 students will do the same later this week, after careful analysis of their AAS and PAT-Mathematics results.
It is important to note that the data captured in the above tests is only a snapshot of your son’s ability, and therefore, students in both Year 5 and Year 6 may be moved across classes based on the understanding they display in class, as well as teacher recommendation. We appreciate your support in these initial weeks as we find the most suitable Mathematics class for your son.
Class Spotlight
5 Black
"In Science we have started looking at how physical conditions affect the survival of living things. We have been finding definitions and synonyms for key words” - Alex M
“In Maths, we have been learning about collecting and graphing data in different ways such as tallies, pie graphs and line graphs” - Zachary A
“In English we have been learning about how we need to engage the reader when we write narratives. For example, using adjectives” - Kobe T
6 Black
“We have been using the strategy Show Don’t Tell in our writing to make it more descriptive” - Justin B
“In Religion, we have started to look at the liturgical season of Lent and at different religious missions” - Zain RO
“We have started learning about the beginning of Federation in Australia, and about the significant role that Henry Parkes had” - Noah M
Parent Information Evenings
A reminder that parents/carers are welcome to attend the Parent Information Evening for their son’s grade at the following times:
- Year 5: Monday 19 February between 6:00 PM-7:00 PM in your son’s classroom.
- Year 6: Monday 19 February between 6:00 PM-7:00 PM, beginning in the College Hall before moving off to your son’s classroom.
The information sessions are an opportunity for parents/carers to meet their son’s teacher and familiarise themselves with the running of their son’s class, and as such, students are not required to attend.
Sarah Tatola Daniel Fields
Head of Teaching and Learning Stage 3 Head of Curriculum Stage 3