The Start and Finish of Every School Day

Primary & Secondary Leadership

A request from our Primary Leadership Team and our Secondary Leadership Team.


Regarding Primary students:


Before school - 

  • OSHClub available for families from 7am - 8.30am. Families need to register online prior to arrival, and book in advance.
  • Supervision begins at 8.10am. Students who arrive prior to this time need to wait on the artificial grass outside the Y3 building.

After school - 

  • OSHClub available for families from 3pm - 6pm. Families need to register online and book online in advance.
  • Yard duty supervision provided as follows: 
    • Kiss and Drop from 3.00pm to 3.40pm
    • Top car park/oval from 3.10pm to 3.40pm
    • Playground from 3.10pm to 3.40pm
    • Bus duty from 3.10pm to 3.40pm
  • After 3.40pm, students are taken to the Main Reception and phone calls are made to families. 


Regarding Secondary students:


The school grounds in Secondary are actively supervised from 8:10 to 3:40. If Secondary students are at school before or after those times, they are to be in the G block open space or the Year 12 common Room (for Year 12s only). These spaces are supervised between 7:30am and 5:00pm.