The Great Lee St Fete

3 March 2024

Fete 2024 Preparations


The Great Lee Street Fete 2024- Sunday March 3rd


Hello lovely CNPS families, we are 4 weeks out from Fete and keen for all families to lean into the preparations for the day. If you have yet to get involved, please can you reach out to any of the parents below. 4 weeks will fly by so it is not a long commitment. All our kids benefit from the money we raise together and everyone loves the day. 

Urgent roles required: 

Toy stall lead- Can you run the toy stall? Its pretty low-key preparations that require sorting toys and pricing items. The stall lead will need to supervise set up and pack down. The stall will be wo-manned by volunteers so you won’t have the work all day. It’s a popular stall on the day. 

Hair Salon- Do you like braiding hair and wielding a hairspray can? Then the hair salon could be your place to shine on Fete day. Very popular with the kids. 

Coffee- Can you make a coffee? Looking for any Baristas who can serve up caffeine to our community. We can’t have a fete without coffee. 


Next week we will be calling for volunteers for the Prep Day (Saturday), set-up, pack down and shifts for the stalls. 


Stuff we need: (all to be delivered to the front desk)

  • Please donate a bottle of alcohol or olive oil valued at over $20 for the Mystery Bottles stall. This stall was such a success last year both in terms of money raised and atmosphere. They even sold their visual props! Please get behind Denise and Eli by donating a bottle or two. 
  • Jams, relishes, pickles. We need lots of these. Please see the front desk for jars, we can also help you source fruit if needed. Thanks in advance. Stall lead Sian & Erin 0422 296 207
  • Toys, Books, Clothes. Now is the time to clear out any toys, books and clothes you no longer need. Please only donate things good enough to sell. These stalls are a real draw card for people coming to the fete. Also, if you could ask friends and family too. We need lots. 
  • Lollies and small things for the mystery bags. Hair accessories, stationery, pokemon cards, socks, mini games, jewellery, lollies (lots of wrapped lollies and lollipops). 
  • Chocolate blocks and bars for the coin toss and clean soft toys for game prizes. 
  • Craft items and Plants. 
  • Coles or Woolworths gift vouchers. The food stalls need lots of ingredients so if you can’t give time or things we would love a gift voucher to spend.
  • Alcohol for the bar. Do you have any contacts or ways we can source a wine donation or subsides costing. Please speak to Steve 0416191373
  • Items for the Silent Auction. The silent Auction is the big kahuna. The money maker. Can everyone please canvas their network for an item to auction. Holiday homes are very popular.

Also if you have any massive boxes, we need them for the box maze!


The Fete is fun and we’d love you all to be involved, speak to these people about a role. Big or small. 

  • Gaby at the school office
  • Catherine Doggett 0434317662 (Vivienne mum)
  • Kylie Lee (Baxter and Jethro mum)
  • Annabel Barker (Rupert mum) 
  • Mietta Walsh (Harry and Oscar) 
  • Raylyn Fonseca (Otis and Harper mum) 


Get Crafty for the 2024 Fete!


We need some crafty donations for our Craft stall at the 2024 fete.

We love all things handmade by our community - school kids, parents, aunties, uncles, grandies, friends and friends of friends!


Not sure what to make?  Here are some crafty ideas to inspire you:

  • Badges
  • Hair clips
  • Pot plant holders
  • Bags
  • Handmade cards
  • Purses
  • Beanies
  • Handmade toys
  • Quilted items
  • Ceramics
  • Hats
  • Scarves
  • Crochet animals
  • Jewellery
  • Scrunchies
  • Cushion covers
  • Knitted items
  • Soaps
  • Earrings
  • Macrame plant hangers
  • Tie dye socks
  • Flower crowns
  • Magic Wands
  • Tote Bags
  • Friendship bands
  • Painted t-shirts
  • Woodwork



Please drop any crafty contributions to CNPS office, from Mon 5th Feb.

Remember to include your name and contact number, so we can a) thank you and b) check if you would like us to return any unsold items.

Thanks a lot!


Crafty Contact:  Tiffany Carter 0401080656





Kid zone is a fun area of the fete where there are hands-on activities for kids. 

To make this area extra exciting we are calling out for the following donations:



Any chocolate is appreciated as it is used as prizes, but wide, flat blocks are great for the choc toss! Please bring donations to the box in the front office at school.



If you have any gently used or new soft toys in good quality, clean condition please bring to the box in front office at school. They will be used as prizes in the kid zone.




If you would like to be part of the kid zone action on fete day please contact us:


Clare 0402907371


Jess 0414040092


Thanks everyone! We look forward to seeing you in KID ZONE !!



Calling out for all families who may be able to donate goods, services or experiences for the silent auction for the school fete.  This is a major fundraiser component of the fete. 


Items which  have raised money in the past include restaurant vouchers, personal training sessions, massages, and stays at holiday homes. You may also have some unwanted Christmas presents that we can use.


Please contact Bess 0408563331 or Raylyn 0423 713 158


Jams and preserves stall

 NOW is the time to start making your preserved goodies for The Great Lee Street Fete. If you need jars, we have some in the office. If you have spare jars, please bring them in! small and medium sized is best.


  • Jamming and preserving is easy. If you are unsure of what to make send us an email and we will send you some suggestions and recipes. Last year we had requests for more chilli items, more relishes, chutneys & pickles, in addition to the classic fruit jams.
  • We are always happy to receive yummy goodies that we haven't seen before, so be creative, make what you love, put it in a jar and we will sell it.
  • Please bring your goodies in to the school office a week or two before fete day, and we will make special Lee Street labels and fabric tops for them. Please email us to let us know when you have delivered your items and identify them on the delivery box/bag.
  • We also need contact details and ingredients from all donors, so please email us and include the number of jars for each item that you have made. Your details will not be published.
  • Please ensure your produce is well sealed and won't expire before the fete and remember to sterilize your jars.

We have also started collecting 400ml jars. Please make sure they are clean and bonus points for removing the labels.  Drop them off in the box at the office.


Questions? Contact Sian Fitzpatrick- or Erin Tibbits -

Save your unwanted items for the Fete’s Clothing and Book Stalls!

If you find yourself wanting to take the opportunity to do a clean out of unwanted items, please set aside any suitable items for our second-hand fete stalls, including clothes and books. We run these stalls on 100% donations, so we would be grateful for any suitable items (in good condition!) that you would like to donate. 

Items that we will be looking for include:

  • Clothing – babies, kids, and adults
  • Shoes
  • Accessories­ – jewellery, handbags, hats, scarves, belts etc.
  • Kids’ pyjamas and (new) swimwear 
  • ‘Dress­-ups’  
  • Books
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • Vinyl records


We need your help!! We are planning for a beautiful lush plant stall at the Fete this year and need…lots of plants! If you, or someone you know, is able to cultivate some clippings or seedlings between now and March, please get your green thumbs into action.

We’d love any type of greenery:


Indoor plants

Outdoor plants



Edibles (herbs etc)


Other items we could also use include:

Plant/gardening books to donate

Unused empty decorative pots

Unopened packets of seeds

Worm tea from worm farms (or jars to collect worm tea)

White clothes rack/hanger for hanging pots

Plant stands 

Rattan chairs/table to borrow for the stall


Thanks in advance for your green help!

Mystery Wine Bottle Stall

A call out to our generous school community for donations to the Mystery Wine Bottles stall at the upcoming Lee Street Fete 2023. Please drop off bottles of white, red, non-alcoholic or sparkling wine, gourmet olive oil and fancy specialist non alcoholic mixers to the office anytime.  We ask that all bottles are valued above $15 

Please contact Denise Atallah (0417303400) or Eli Atallah (0412915211) if you would prefer an alternative to dropping bottles at the office.


Cheers! The Mystery Wine Bottles Team

It's getting real! The lovely Joy sorting toys and books and Kathleen and Dave hammering the clothes racks ready for donations!