Message from the Principal Team

Week 1 Term 1 2024


Welcome Back


We've experienced a fantastic start to the school year. The soft start on Tuesday afternoon, with a Meet and Greet, assisted in easing any concerns or anxieties related to the return to school. It was heartwarming to see the enthusiasm and excitement of all students in Years 1 to 6 on Wednesday morning as they officially began their new school year.


We are mindful that readjusting to the school routine after a six week holiday can be a gradual process, and acknowledge the potential for increased fatigue, particularly in the evenings and towards the end of each week. In light of this transitional period, our children might benefit from a bit more tender loving care and understanding from us as parents, and earlier bedtimes might help to alleviate the exhaustion of returning to school.


2024 CNPS Community Survey - Strengthening the Home-School Partnership in 2024

As we move into a new school year, we are excited to connect with our school community and align the goals and future direction of the school with the needs of our CNPS families.


We are asking our CNPS families to please take the time to answer the following questions. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.


We look forward to working closely with our school community in 2024!

Please find the link to the survey here


Start of the Year Curriculum Day

Earlier this week our staff participated in professional learning to set the tone and prepare for 2024. The professional learning included:

  • big picture thinking and reflection on the school values, givens and purpose,
  • First Aid Training for all staff,
  • revisiting our teaching and learning model for Reading and Writing with Literacy consultant, Lisa Keskenin, and 
  • reinvigorating our love for Mathematics.


Principal Team

Rachel Corben, Erin Brown and Jane Bilby