P.E and Sport

Dear Families,

 I wanted to thank all the staff, students and families for their support and contribution to our Physical Education Program. I feel incredibly lucky and fortunate to work in this community. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday break.

Stay Safe and I look forward to seeing you all next year.



Intensive Swimming

Thank you to all families and students for your awesome support with our Term Four Swimming Program. The confidence and progress that students demonstrated from Term One to now has been remarkable. 

A really big thank you to Annabel, Kamica, Bill, Kym and Domenico who assisted with the teaching of the program. Without these amazing superstars this program would not be possible. 


5/6 Beach Day

Despite the wintry conditions, the Year 5/6 students participated in their Beach Day held at Blairgowrie Yacht Club. What a fabulous day it was! The students were involved in 6 rotational activities including kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, fishing, beach games and we were lucky enough to have Henry Kiss from LSV join us to share his beach knowledge with the students. 

A very big thankyou to all the parents who came to help but especially Adrianna who allowed us access to the club and also cooked the sausage sizzle for the students. 


St Joseph's Swim Squad finished up their final session for 2023 last Tuesday. A big thank-you to all the students who participated and showed persistence and improvement each week. A very big thank-you to Kym Power for your assistance each week.  

Our sessions for Term 1 at Yawa have been booked and I look forward to seeing you all in Term One. 

Jacqui Hayes
