Italian Update

This term the students at AGPS have continued to learn the Italian language through communicative means such as games, singing, dancing, speaking, listening and movement.
The year 1 students have been busy perfecting their communication skills by performing scenes involving Italian restaurant scenarios. Their enthusiasm and precision was outstanding whilst they performed their memorised lines. In addition, the Foundation students have mastered greeting each other in Italian through repetitive practice whilst performing class plays.
The year 2/3 students have learnt verbs through participating in authentic sport activities such as throwing and kicking balls whilst communicating the actions in Italian. Once the students had acquired a sound knowledge of Italian action verbs, they were able transfer the newly acquired vocabulary into full Italian sentences using both a subject and a verb i.e. Io salto alta. (I jump high).
Lastly the year 4/5 and 6’s closely examined the influx of Italian immigration during the 1940’s and 1950’s. The students investigated the reasons why Italians migrated during this period, the challenges the immigrants were faced with as well as the lasting impact that Italian culture has made on Australian society. The unit concluded with scripted accounts of what life was like for Italian immigrants, with experiences ranging from the hardships experienced on the boat journey to Australia to the challenges of learning a new language in a foreign country.
All in all, students have made remarkable progress in the acquisition of the Italian language and in their understanding of the cultural contribution to Australian society.
Bianca and Vera.
Teachers of Italian