A Message from Parents & Friends

Hi everyone,
Fundraising Goal for 2024: big screen and speakers under Gumbuya
It’s been a while since we did an update on what is happening in our fundraising and events space.
We are delighted to announce that our profit for Term 3 fundraising was $12,148. This is a wonderful amount to bring us closer to our target this year.
Here’s what has been happening and what is coming up.
August Fundraising
Thank you to everyone who bought cookie dough, KEFAR tags or hair ties. We raised over $2000 between all of these orders so a fantastic effort. Thank you to Liz and Leanne and Jenny M for organising these.
Father’s/ Special Person’s Day Event - Friday 30th August
It might seem like a while ago now, but we hope all you special people felt celebrated at our event. What a great turnout again and thank you for your support.
Special Lunch - Thursday 12th September
It’s fair to say that your children love Sushi! It was extremely popular and our new supplier did well, apart from one small issue which we just couldn’t resolve on the day. We will definitely be doing this special lunch again next year.
Parents & Friends Meeting
Our final meeting will be held on Friday 8th November 2024 at 9am.
Grandparents/ Special Person’s Day - Friday 1st November
We can’t wait to welcome all you special people into school to celebrate. Parents & Friends will be running a Bake Sale from 1.30pm until 2.15pm (if any items are available after that we will sell after school finishes).
Plates will by now have been sent home with your eldest child. We ask if you’re able to bake us something that you bring it to SAKG from 8am on Friday 1st November where a member of P&F will be there to collect.
Please note that open classrooms will be from 12.30pm for you to visit your child/children.
End of Year Raffle
Every year, we run a raffle to add to the fun of the end of year performances. We ask that if anyone has any brand new un-opened items (e.g handcreams, perfumes, chocs, toys etc) that they would like to find a new home for, we ask for you to drop into the office during November.
Fete 2025
This event is fast approaching and the fete committee are starting to get busy with implementing all our wonderful plans. Please ensure you have this date in your diary and tell everyone you know about it!
We are seeking sponsors for our school fete next year. If you run a business or work for an organisation that you think might consider sponsoring our fete, please email the fete committee on fete.agps3028@gmail.com or alternatively pop in and see David to discuss. Plenty of opportunity for large and small organisations to get involved.
Please also note that we have an out of uniform day happening on Friday 29th November which will be a gold coin donation. Profits from this day will go towards expenses at our fete, in lieu of items needed for donations (e.g sauce and drinks). We hope that you will be able to support this event.
Please also share and like our fete page to keep up to date with what is planned!
Have a fab weekend!
Parents & Friends Committee