A Message from David & Cam...

Term 4 has started well and it will be the end of the year before we know it. As usual, Term 4 is packed with a whole heap of organisational tasks that go into setting up for 2025 to ensure it is another successful year as well as many events and activities across all year levels to support student's academic and social/emotional development (please check out the Curriculum Newsletters later in this newsletter) and to celebrate the year.
Please also have a look at the 'Important Term 4 events' section of this newsletter and add all the important dates to your calendars. We hope to see as many of you as possible at all the upcoming events.
Please also take note of the School Savings Bonus page for information about how to access and use the bonus in 2025.
2025 Classes and Parent/Carer Requests.
The leadership team are currently working through 2025 planning, class structure and recruitment processes, and the process for 2025 class formations will soon commence. This process is incredibly important and we spend a lot of time creating class lists that ensure all students are set up for success in the following year. All students make a list of friends that they would like to be placed with and we try to ensure that everyone has at least one of these friends in their future class.
If you believe you have information that you feel is necessary to support us in creating class lists for 2025, please put your requests in writing and send to me (david.king@education.vic.gov.au) no later than Friday 8th November. You do not need to send through your child's friend requests as they have the opportunity to do this themselves at school.
Please understand that I do not take requests for individual teachers and that whilst all requests will be considered not all will be able to be accommodated. Please also note that requests made last year do not carry over and should be made again via email if you believe it should still be considered.
Students Leaving AGPS in 2025
A further reminder that we would greatly appreciate it if parents / carers please notify the school as soon as possible if your child/ren will not be returning to AGPS in 2025. Please contact the office 9360 0777 or altona.green.ps@education.vic.gov.au to let us know.
Important Term 4 Events
Term 4 is an extremely busy term with a number of key events taking place that celebrate the year and also events that are critical to the successful running of the 2025 school year.
- Transition - We will welcome our 2025 preppies to our school in November to begin their transition program. We will also have a series of step-up days where current students are given the opportunity to get a taste of what the next year may bring. We always offer a really robust transition program that supports all of our students to feel comfortable and confident for the next stage of their education.
- Statewide Step-Up Day - On Tuesday 12th December all students will meet their 2025 classroom teacher in their 2025 classroom. It is a very exciting morning and is the culmination of a significant amount of work to ensure that the 2025 classes are set up for success!
- Graduation - The Year 6 students will soon be busy planning and preparing for their special night on the Thursday 12th December. This is always a wonderful, memory-making event as we remember and celebrate the students' time here at Altona Green.
- Grandparents & Special Person's Day - We look forward to welcoming all the grandparents and other special people to our school on Friday 1st November. Please remind those that you would like to attend and refer to the information that has been posted on Compass.
- End of Year Celebration - Debbie McKenna is busily planning for our end of year concert. This event will take place in the evening of Tuesday 17th December - save the date! We can't wait to celebrate the year together as a whole school!
- Christmas Fun Day - On Tuesday 17th December, we will have a Christmas Fun Day during the day. This is a fun day where students participate in a range of activities, there may also be a return of the 'Dunk the Teacher' activity! There is a rumour that the Grinch may also make an appearance!
- Assembly - Assembly runs alternate weeks to the newsletter and is held in either the gym or under Gumbuya depending on the weather. The remaining assemblies this term are:
- 1/11 - PG & PB
- 15/11 - 1H
- 29/11 - 1M
- 20/12 - final school assembly (no class performance)
- Pupil Free Day - A reminder that Monday 4th November is the Term 4 pupil free day. The staff will be using this day for assessment and reporting. All day care is available at TeamKids for this day.
Year 6 Camp
Our Year 6 students had a wonderful time in Canberra. Thank you so much to the staff that gave so much of their time to ensure such a memory-making event for our students.
Jensen: On Tuesday, we went to the Museum of Australian democracy (MoAD) where we learnt about the evolution and changes of Australian democracy and how groups and individuals bought attention to issues in the political community, trying to earn their rights to freedom. We discovered the wide variety of early jobs of past and more recent prime ministers, such as railway workers, merchants and miners. We then went to the old house of representatives where we sat in the exact same chairs as former politicians. The first speaker of the house was Sir Littleton Groom in 1927, just after the construction of Old Parliament House.
Isabella P and Maddy: On Thursday, we went to the arboretum to have lunch. Afterwards, we went on a scavenger hunt on the hills in groups of four. About an hour later, we got on the bus and made our way to the mint. Once we got the Royal Australian Mint, we had a tour around and saw how coins are made, although the three robots used, were not working at the time. We learned about the process of how mint works and all the coins made there. After our tour finished, we visited the shop were you could make your own coin and buy other coins such as footy coins, chocolate coins and coin jewellery.
Isla: We walked to the High Court of Australia. My group and I started by walking into a theatre-like room by our tour guide. The screen showed a video of how the democracy of Australia and its first constitution was created. We were then led into High Court 1, which is where all constitutional cases are heard and watched a live court in action. This case was being heard by the seven high court judges who were sitting on a podium in their own big chairs. Behing them were their assistants, and in front were the accused’s lawyers and defendants. We were not allowed to talk or make any noise that might affect the outcome of their decision. As we exited, we had to bow, not to the judges, but as a sign of respect of the law.
PACER Rebate Information
Students from our school have recently undertaken and educational tour of the national capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy.
The Australian Government recognizes the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the camp, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $45 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the camp.
Student Leadership
Earlier this term Cam spoke to the Grade 5 students about formal leadership opportunities in Grade 6 as well as the process for applying for our School Captain positions. It was great to see so many students interested in applying for this role and we are looking forward to receiving a number of quality application letters! The enthusiasm displayed by the students is lovely to see and we know that there are many high quality application letters being written! The selection panel has traditionally been Cam & David, however this year David will not be on the panel due to the composition of the applicant pool.
Buildings and Grounds Works
Gaga Pit:
That derelict structure that has been a blemish on our beautiful school grounds was restored over the holidays and the kids were treated with a great surprise on the first day of term - the gaga pit was back! The Year 4 students (supported by their teachers) have led the introduction of gaga to all the year levels across the school and it has been a great hit with all year levels with a constant crowd playing and spectating.
This project was funded through the Buildings and Ground voluntary payment that many of you made earlier this year. Thank you to all who donated the extra funds to our school. The kids absolutely love the new addition to our wonderful grounds!
Chess Table Area:
Another project that was completed over the holidays was to upgrade the chess table area. We have installed new garden beds and artificial turf under the chess tables to create a nice place for our kids to sit and relax during break times. Once we get the shade sail re-installed, this will be a lovely place for the warmer months.
Thank you to those people who volunteered with filling the garden beds with soil. Planting has started and we can't wait to see the gardens grow to complete this area of our yard.
Questions for Mathew Hilakari MP - Ezic-Dean
Ezic-Dean has a passion for politics and recently attended a Hobsons Bay City Council meeting to develop his understanding further. Our local councillors were kind enough to meet with him and arrange a meeting with our local MP, Mathew Hilakari. Ezic-Dean is seeking questions from our community that he can ask Mathew at his upcoming meeting. Please send through any questions via the button below.
Here is a writing piece from Ezic-Dean about his visit:
When I first knew about politics, I thought it was just boring debates my parents would watch. I asked my grandpa, 'What is politics?' when I was 4 years old. When I was eight years old my grandpa told me about politics. I was shocked and fascinated. So that is why now I have chosen to start moving so that is why on October 8. I went to a council meeting and whent to the Hobson Bay Council chambers. Everyone started looking at me because firstly there were no children there, and secondly I was wearing a suit. While I was there I sat in the Mayor's chair and the Wetlands Ward representive Diana gave me and offer to meet state poltician Mathew Hilakari. I said 'Yes!'. So on behalf of the school I will be having an interview with Mathew Hilakari in a few weeks so get your questions on the link below. Thank you.
Hats Reminder
A reminder that in Term One and Term Four all students are required to wear a broad-brimmed hat for outdoor activities, this includes recess, lunch and Physical Education lessons. Please support your child by reminding them to pack their hat and ensure their name is clearly marked so it can make its way back to them if it gets accidentally left outside.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Take care,
David and Cam