Assistant Principal's Report

Georgia Despotellis

Welcome back to the last term of the year! I trust everyone had a lovely break from school routines and enjoyed spending precious time with family and friends.


The last week of Term 3 ended on such a positive note. The Sports Colours and Sausage Sizzle Day was amazing and a highlight. I would like to acknowledge Steph Sim and all her work behind the scenes to ensure this day went smoothly! Also, a big shout out to our amazing parents, helpers and staff who made sure that the day was a memorable one for all students.


School commences at 9am and the gates are open for students at 8.45am. This is a friendly reminder that there is no supervision in the school grounds until 8.45am. If you need to drop your child/children off at school before that time, Team Kids is available and it’s easy to register. Please contact the office if you need any assistance. Any children found in the playground, without an adult present and before 8.45am, will be brought into the office and parents will be called. 


Some students access programs before school and only those students enrolled in these programs should be on site. Please enter the school via the door near the hall and walk through the office area to access before school programs. Gates are unlocked just before 8.45am. Please do not walk through staff car parks with your children. I thank you for your attention to these safety messages. 


Wellbeing – Five things to ask your children instead of ‘How was school?’

I often hear from parents that when they try to engage with their child about how their school day was, the responses include but are not limited to, ‘good’, ‘nothing much happened’, ‘I didn’t do anything’, ‘I had no one to play with’, etc. I would like you to try these questions and provide me feedback to let me know if you were able to get some more information. Good luck!

  1. What made you smile today?
  2. Who did you sit with at lunch?
  3. If you could change one thing about today, what would that be?
  4. What was the hardest rule to follow today?
  5. Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday.



In line with our SunSmart policy, hats must be worn throughout Term 4. We strongly encourage students to apply sunscreen prior to coming to school each day. Please see brochure on the SunSmart at CSPS page for more information about the importance of being SunSmart and what you can do.


Georgia Despotellis

Assistant Principal