Year Three Team News

with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

A busy Term 3 has ended, and we look forward to our traditional Willy Primary Footy Day tomorrow. It is always wonderful to all be together for a fun filled day! Some of our Year 3 students will be participating in the Footy/Netball tournaments, organised by the Year 5/6 students, and supported by their classmates.

Term 3 has been filled with many special events that the Year 3 students have embraced and enjoyed. A huge thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who accompanied us to the Sun Theatre to see the movie ‘Runt’.

Another whole school fun event happening this evening is the school disco (7:30 – 9:00pm). We look forward to seeing everyone dancing the night away.

We have been impressed with how the students have worked to create their sustainable houses. They were able to demonstrate the knowledge gained from our Inquiry unit and enjoyed sharing this during Open Afternoon.

This will lead into our Inquiry Unit for next Term which will focus on endangered species both in Australia and in our local area. 


We look forward to our Zoo Snooze.  More details will follow early next term via Compass. A reminder of the dates are as follows:

  • Monday – 2nd December – 3W
  • Tuesday – 3rd December – 3B
  • Wednesday – 4th December – 3M

Next term the year 3 students continue with weekly French lessons. We thank all the parent helpers who were able to assist with the Kitchen Garden sessions this term.


We wish all our Year 3 families a lovely, relaxing holiday. We thank you for supporting the kids and us during Term 3.


Take care and keep safe.



Warm regards, 

The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).