Year Two Team News

with Steph, Joel and Georgia

Hello Year Two families,

To say that it has been a huge two weeks in Grade Two would be an understatement! Firstly, we are so proud of the way that our students embraced the Grade Two sleepover during week 8 and approached the night with so much positivity and excitement. An abundance of fun was had by all and special memories were made for our students. We have no doubt that our students will have gained valuable confidence and independence that will assist them with future camps.


This week we have also had a footy clinic run by the Western Bulldogs. Our students all had a lot of fun and gave everything a go, displaying resilience and respect during all activities. It was wonderful to see so many of the Year 2’s embracing the Willy Kid trait of having a positive attitude. We also finished our Inquiry Unit on how play has changed by playing a range of games that were created by students. Every game was wonderful and we enjoyed playing them thoroughly! 


We thoroughly look forward to Footy Day this Friday. Friday will be a dress up day in any sports clothes that your child wishes to wear. We will be spending a lot of the day outside so please pack a hat and some extra sunscreen. Also, please note that there will be an early finish (2:30pm). We look forward to seeing our students get into the spirit of the day and enjoy the final day of what has been a wonderful term in Grade Two.


 Important news:

  • Thank you to our parent helpers: We would like to formally thank all of our parent helpers for giving up their time to assist and help ensure the night ran smoothly and our students had plenty of support throughout the sleepover. 

Curriculum Focus: Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 4 

Literacy: In Reading, we will be looking at strategies to support our comprehension. In writing, we will be beginning our unit of writing on information reports.

Numeracy:  We will be working on length and area.

Inquiry: We will be introducing our new inquiry unit ‘What’s in our Garden?’ 

Willy Kids: Through the pillar of responsibility, we will be learning about being cooperative and what cooperation means and looks like in the school environment.


Until next time,

The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)