Year 5/6 Team News

with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Carolyn

Hello Year 5/6 families, 


Over the last two weeks we have been spending a lot of time working on comprehension strategies and rehearsing responding to questions that require inference and reorganisation of the text. Last week, students read texts about street foods of the world. These texts included recipes. Hopefully this inspires some cooking over the holidays.


This last fortnight we have been exploring chance and probability. Students have been assigning fractions, decimals and percentages to chance events. We have explored the concepts of theoretical probability and experimental probability - hot likely something is to occur versus what actually happens during a chance experiment.


Congratulations to our students on the delivery of their presentations: What’s the difference between here and there? We have learned a lot about other countries and reflected on how they differ to Australia.


Many students have been bringing their iPads to school with little or no charge. It is an expectation that all students charge their iPads overnight in anticipation of the following school day. Please ensure that your child has a reliable routine around the charging of their iPad. 



  • Please continue to monitor Compass for alerts and updates,
  • If you think you might like to volunteer on excursions and events this year, please ensure that you have arranged a valid Working With Children Check and complete the school’s online induction module
  • Please ensure your child brings a charged iPad to school each day


Warm regards,

The Grade 5/6 Team - Laura Bartholomeusz (5/6B), Christina Crosland (5/6C), Emil de Vries (5/6D), Bianca Italiano & Molly Hedditch (5/6I), Kayleen Dumic & Steven Puhar (5/6K) & Carolyn Watt (5/6M)