Auslan Report

Welcome to Auslan, Term 4! During this fortnight in Auslan, students will be revising and learning the new topics People and Sport. When learning about people the signs that will be taught are: People (pointer handshape), person, man (fist), lady /women (bent flat),
boy (pointer), girl (pointer - different location - different movement), children, yours, mine, he, she and they. Activities will include the 4 corners game where there will be a picture of a man, lady, girl, and boy in various corners. The teacher will sign one of those words, for example; ‘man’ and students need to move into that corner where that particular picture is. Grade 1 and 2 students will play a family match up game where they will match people in their families by signing the words they are learning. Students will also learn a poem about people. Grade 3 and 4 students will play a game called ‘Who’s at the Door?’ This game will encourage students to sign words for people including numbers, for example; two girls. Grade 5 and 6 students will do an activity where they will need to count the number of students in class and sign words to describe how many boys and girls there are. This activity will also encourage finger spelling as students will need to talk about their family members and sign the words to describe them.
When learning about sport, the signs taught will be Sport, ball, soccer, football, basketball, tennis, rugby, netball, cricket, athletics, swimming, team, win and lose. Activities will include lots of visuals and students needing to sign and describe the sports they see and know. Grade 1 and 2 students will use visuals as a concentration game where they will need to match the sign with the pictures. This activity will be worked in groups. Grade 3 and 4 students will play the four corners game using sport pictures. They will also extend their Auslan practise by signing and communicating what sport they or their families play. Grade 5 and 6 students will play a bingo game which will encourage knowing the signs of each sport and matching with pictures to play the game.
As our students build their repertoire of words, engage in conversations and enjoy practising signs together as learnt by our students! Please scan the QR Code below which will provide you with YouTube videos to assist in practising together at home.
Keep updated on learning Auslan each fortnight in our Partners in Learning Newsletter!
Kind Regards
Jess Pfister