Learning for Life Awards - TERM 4
Term 4: This term we are focusing on PERSISTENCE To persist is to continue to try and to be determined. Being persistent calls on self-belief, hope and courage. This allows us to be determined and to have a strong purpose in what we do.
Congratulations to the following students:
Learning For Life Awards
Term 4: Weeks 1 & 2
Assembly: Friday 11th October
Teacher | Grade | Student 1: | Student 2: |
Miss Hercus
| Prep BH | Rabbi S - For showing consistent persistence with his learning. | Rebecca h - For always being persistent with her learning and taking on feedback. |
Mrs Adams
| Prep MA | Georgie K - Fabulous persistence with your writing and using the dotted thirds. | Frankie W - Great persistence with sounding out and completing your writing. |
Mrs Stephenson & Miss Robertson | Prep RS | Angus S - for seamlessly settling into our Prep grade and making new friends with ease. | Grace A - for taking on teacher feedback positively and approaching classroom tasks with interest. |
Miss Angliss
| 1/2EA | Peggy C - For consistently showing persistence in reading and writing tasks. | Hunter S - For showing persistence in the classroom and out in the yard. |
Mr Czarnuch
| 1/2MC | Coen B - for continuously accepting a challenge and always believing in himself. | Rose D - for always being an active participant in class discussions. |
Miss Hamilton | 1/2KH | Olivia M - for displaying wonderful persistent to achieve her learning goals. | Daryl S - for displaying wonderful persistence to improve his writing. |
Mrs Gilham & Mrs McLaren
| 1/2MG | Alexander G - for showing wonderful persistence with his learning. | Clayton S - for showing wonderful persistence with his writing. |
Mr Perrott | 1/2RP | Bronte G - for displaying persistence when engaging in writing tasks. | Annabelle M - for displaying persistence when engaging in writing tasks. |
Mrs Eddy | 3CE
| Charlie F - For showing a great attitude when things didn't go to plan on the soccer pitch. | Hunter V - For putting his head down and staying on task in maths. |
Mr Osbourne | 3JO | Noah D - For displaying persistence when completing challenging learning tasks. | Emma L - For being persistent towards achieving her learning goals. |
Mr Cole | 4JC | Amir A-M - for his consistent determination in class. | Georgia H - for her effort and determination in completing her best work. |
Mrs Jelenko | 4KJ | Drew W - for his persistence when completing maths tasks. | William M - for the persistence he shows when completing maths tasks. |
Mrs Walsh | 4SW | Campbell S - for settling in 4SW with ease and making friends wherever he goes. | Sam S - for demonstrating persistence when solving mathematical problems. Well done Sam! |
Mrs Stynes | 5JS | Jay V - For showing persistence and determination to focus, and work to challenge himself with tasks. | E.J W - For showing great persistence when working on tasks, and asking for support without giving up! |
Ms Wieland
| 5MW | Harry S - For being consistently persistent and having strong purpose in completing all set tasks. | Demosh S-K - For demonstrating persistence in reading and Numeracy and for making terrific progress in both. |
Miss Hultgren | 6EH | Seam E-T - For displaying excellent persistence in his recent debating competition! | Olivia H - For displaying persistence in all learning tasks, particularly her fractions and spelling. |
Mr Shaw | 6JS | Chase M - for displaying excellent persistence in his recent debating competition. | Eva K - showing a persistent attitude towards improving her learning, particularly her spelling programs of late. |