Young Vinnies

We are your Young Vinnies office bearers for 2024!
This term we were given the opportunity to both plan and hold a bake sale at Marian College. We chose to connect our event to ‘R U OK? Day’ as we hoped to raise awareness for the national day of action where all of us are reminded to ask, 'Are you OK?’. And also, you can't go wrong with a sweet treat right?
The Young Vinnies members and leaders organised posters and cake toppers to promote the event. We as members baked goods from homes with our families, and brought in the sweet treats ranging from cupcakes, cookies, tiramisu, cake pops, cakes and more. The event was very successful as we raised $252. Half of the funds will be donated to Beyond Blue which is an Australian mental health and wellbeing organisation. The other half of the profit will be donated to the Go Girls Foundation which addresses women's homelessness and domestic violence. We would also like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of both the year 9 and 10 students and Mr Kennedy towards this amazing cause.
We are very appreciative of all our dedicated Young Vinnies members who volunteer with such eagerness to ensure that as a Marian community together we strive towards the Kildare Ministry values of Justice and Compassion. I would also like to recognise our leaders Sehansa, Yvonne and Georgia who continuously display leadership skills that enable young vinnies to bring forth such events to our Marian community. We would also like to thank the teachers that have supported our team along the way, especially Ms Tran who generously offers her continuous guidance and support.
If you would like to be a part of the team next year, we will be sending out application forms for a spot early next year.
Thank you for listening and we look forward to holding more exciting events next term.
Leah Pikoulas