Resource Centre

The latest from our Resource Centre Team!

The annual Manga Drawing Competition has concluded with spectacular results, showcasing an impressive array of talent, both digital and hand-drawn. We have been  amazed by the incredible creativity of all our students; it truly was a challenge for the judges to select winners! We even required a tiebreaker, and after careful review, each category had a winner. Both winners and runners-up impressed the judges, leading to well-deserved runner-up prizes. The following students are the winners in their respective categories:


Manga Competition Winners


Annie Tran, 7 Tullow - Junior Hand Drawn Runner-up

Veronica Moscosa, 8 Kinsella - Junior Digital Runner-up


Winners - Hand drawn

Lily Wight, 8 Whelan - Junior Hand Drawn Winner

Caitlyn Podolczak,10 Mary - Intermediate Hand Drawn Winner

Christina Le,12 Blackburn - Senior Hand Drawn Winner


Winners - Digital

Kang Tan, 7 Brigid - Junior Digital Winner

Kimmy Huynh, 10 Agnes - Intermediate Digital Winner

Catherine Phung, 12 Synan - Senior Digital Winner



During the recent Dsicovery Day visit by St. Paul’s Primary School, the grade 4 students were excited to participate in the judging of the manga drawing competition, eagerly casting their votes for their favourite entries. Their enthusiasm led to the introduction of two additional awards to honour standout pieces chosen by primary school students. The St. Paul’s Primary Manga Mastery Award was presented to Bianca Biro and Lily Hughes.


An additional mini competition was held to encourage students to have fun with art and spark their creativity. The stick figure competition was a big hit, drawing over 75 participants. Since stick figures are open to so many interpretations, winners were selected at random—because, honestly, who can truly judge a stick figure? The following students are our winners:


Kang Tan, 7 Brigid

Geraldine Desbois, 7 Delany 

Van Dawt Hlei Sung, 7 Delany

Nehara Perera, 8 Kinsella


Congratulations to all participating students! Your creativity and hard work made this competition truly remarkable. Well done to everyone!


Veronica Moscosa
Lily-Rose Wight
Lily Hughes
Kimmy Huynh
Kang Tan
Christina Le
Catherine Phung
Caitlyn Podolczak
Bianca Biro
Anne Tran
Veronica Moscosa
Lily-Rose Wight
Lily Hughes
Kimmy Huynh
Kang Tan
Christina Le
Catherine Phung
Caitlyn Podolczak
Bianca Biro
Anne Tran