Faith and Mission

It is a timely reminder that we are currently in the 2024 Season of Creation, which is the annual Christian celebration that calls us together each year to pray and respond jointly to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family from around the world comes together to listen to and care for our common home. The “Celebration” began on September 1st, the Feast of Creation and will conclude on October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations.


This year’s theme “Hope and act with Creation” and the symbol “The firstfruits of hope”, are inspired by Romans 8:19-25, and are the guiding inspiration for prayer and focus throughout the month.


The theme fits comfortably with our College theme of Hope: Bringing a sense of purpose.

Hope: A Catalyst for Change

Hope is not merely a passive state but an active force that empowers us to overcome challenges. It is a gift from God that protects us from despair and enables us to realise the fullness of freedom. True freedom is about acting with responsibility and making a positive impact on the world and so we are called to work for a better future because Christ has conquered death and offers us hope for redemption.


The pain and suffering in the world are a result of our human shortcomings. We must recognise our mistakes and take action to heal the wounds we have inflicted. Hope is not about blind optimism but about trusting that our actions have meaning. It is a growth process, nurtured by patience and endurance. We are all encouraged to act boldly to address the climate and ecological crises, but we must also recognise that change takes time. Ecological conversion requires a transformation of our minds, hearts and ways of living.

As we journey through life, we will continue to learn and grow, discovering new ways to balance the urgency of caring for our common home with the slow pace of lasting change. We may not fully understand everything, but we are called to trust in God and act with concrete and sustained efforts, following the example of Christ.


Hope is not just about waiting; it is about actively working for a better future. We must learn from other cultures and countries how to hope and act together with Creation. By understanding the true meaning of hope and acting with courage and determination, we can create a better world.


Let us keep this in mind as we enjoy the Spring weather over the break, and stop to spend some time within the natural world gifted us by God. We keep in our prayers those seeking a better future for their families in war torn countries, and reflect on what we have in Australia. Let us pray with gratitude for the gifts of freedom, security and the love of family.  


Year 8 Religious Education


The Year 8 students have been learning about Communities this Term and have explored the key characteristics of an effective community and how they contribute to the success of the community. With a partner the students have made Community Snapshots of an event or disaster that brings various elements of the community together.  They have learnt that we are created in God's image to live peacefully with others in the Community. A sense of belonging is an important part of being within a community and with this comes responsibilities that help us maintain a just and safe community for all.  


Here are some Community Snapshots that the students created:



For our snapshot we made the Tham Luang cave rescue in Thailand, as you can see there are 2 groups of people that make up this diorama 

Firstly there is a group of scuba divers who share their special skills, knowledge and bravery in cave diving which brought survival.


Secondly there are Wild Boars soccer team members which include members of the soccer team as well as their coach. Among their team they bring courage, patience and trust.


When these specialized scuba divers found the soccer team in Chamber 9 on the 2nd of July.  It contributed to an effective community where the scuba divers came to rescue the coach and the soccer team who are ready to cooperate.  At one point the cave divers were giving up but the empathy and the hope kept them going to find a way to get the team out of the cave. The scuba divers were trying to help the boys get out of the cave, they encouraged the boys and promised that they would get them out and our snapshot shows courage and patience. As everyone from all over the world were praying and waiting patiently for the boys to come out safely. (Megan & Nisha)


(Georgia & Elly P)




Civilians coming together to save others from there houses (Grace & Lil)

This image shows how civilians can come together in the face of danger to save and help others in the community. This willingness to help others when they are in need is vital to the success of any good community as it allows them to feel a stronger bond with others who they know would risk 

their lives for them.


People donating food to Food banks/ offering shelter

People offering free food and shelter / donating to food banks so that those affected by the fires can eat and have shelter is an act of charity and selflessness as food and renting a house costs money and people suffering from bushfires do not have the money for necessities such as food and shelter. Community members being selfless, kind and helping others shows the strong bond that this community has.  


Our community snapshot shows a local community gathering together to commemorate ANZAC Day. Everyone in this community contributes in one way or another, for example  the soldiers wear uniforms to show respect to their predecessors, a bugle player performs the last post, war veterans observe the ceremony from a distance while commemorating their fallen comrades, families of the war veterans and fallen soldiers  gather to grieve and support one another, and  journalists from a local news channel attend the ceremony to film the event and spread awareness about it. My partner and I chose this special event as we wanted to highlight the many different people involved in such a momentous occasion, and the ways in which they all come together to honour and acknowledge the sacrifices made by their ancestors.

(Hayley & Mananya)







Homeless shelter and food bank (Sofia & Sophia)

The homeless shelter and food bank are great at contributing to an effective community. First of all, they give to people who need it most. Many people don’t have the same resources or even a roof over their heads and they provide it. Every person within a community deserves to feel safe and have basic needs. They give shelter to those who don’t have a place to call their home and give basic necessities such as food and water. Another way they contribute is by allowing members of a community to interact with each other, opening their hearts to trust one another as they bond and welcoming people no matter who they are.  



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