Matilda Jnr 

What a show!

The last couple of months have flown by. The Performing Arts department has been filled with the excitement of presenting the School Production of Matilda Jnr.


We have been working on the production since February and to finally have an audience was amazing!  In total 5 shows were performed to an audience: 3 Matinees and 2 Evening Performances.  Each show was unique as the audience responded differently. From screams to laughter, shock and surprise, the show was well received. The stunning costumes, make-up, interactive set, multimedia, catchy songs, memorable ballads, dynamic dance moves, convincing characterizations and captivating storyline all engaged the audience. 


'Show Week' was filled with highs and lows. We had technical rehearsals where our small yet vital Backstage crew of both staff and students were inducted into the production, learning scene changes at a rapid pace and setting props ready for our actors. Microphones were tested and sound cues rehearsed. We had a school closure on Monday, which then led to a very intense Technical Rehearsal the following day where two of the lead actors were sick! 


Somehow, we pulled it together, and what followed was a week of fun, joy and entertainment. Our cast had a taste of what life is like for professional performers, where their resilience and persistence were tested. Students also experienced a moment of fame when we held a Q and A with our primary schools. The audience asked pertinent questions, and our cast high-fived the fans as they exited the O'Neill Auditorium. 


After each show, seeing families, guardians and staff meeting with the cast and acknowledging what they had achieved was very special indeed.


To the Marian School Community, we thank you dearly for your attendance at Matilda. Thank you for your support and for celebrating Performing Arts.


Thank you to all the staff who contributed to the performance both on and off the stage. To the Matilda Cast, Creative Teacher Team and the Crew, we look forward to working with you all again.


Congratulations to all involved.


Mhairi Shepherd - Learning Associate - Performing Arts