Specialist News 



Wow! What an incredible night! So much beauty, fun, sparkles and spookiness. 

I am thrilled to share the success of our first ever Art Show. What a showcase of the incredible talents within our school. Students poured their hearts and souls into their artistic creations, demonstrating incredible persistence, care and attention to detail. Their boundless imagination and creativity continues to amaze me every day. I myself, admire all our student artists and hope they continue to practice and share their passion with others. 


A heartfelt thank you goes to the amazing Art Show Committee including Miss Arnold. They worked incredibly hard, making all the little puzzle pieces from the ice- cream truck to the postcards to the photobooth come together. Thank you to the backstage, community heroes who contributed their time and skills to make this event a reality. All the cutting, blutacking, hanging, baking, and more served as the spooky skeleton spine to this creative production. Special recognition goes to the classroom teachers, education support staff, and the admin team for their invaluable contributions to organizing and running the show. Special mention to the spookalicious performance by the Dance Club, who’s commitment and dedication was sparkling clear on that stage. 

But what would it be without all our wonderful families who attended! It was so incredible being a part of that warm, supportive and happy crowd. It was fantastic to see so many of us there. What a reflection and celebration of the beautiful community we have here at SMPPS. 

But most importantly congratulations to the student artists who should be incredibly proud of their efforts. Well done to you, your time and efforts definitely paid off. This was your Art Show and you smashed it! 

Until next time! Keep it spooky and sparkly everyone.

Proud to be your teacher, 

Miss Michael

Visual Arts





November is Walk to School month! Our students are in full swing tracking all the different forms of travel to school in their classes. There will be a special golden boot award presented at Assembly on the 1st of December, for the class that walks, rides or scoots to most!

Getting kids into the habit of walking, riding or scooting to school helps them feel great and leads to healthy, active lives into the future, plus, getting active is even more fun when we do it together! Walking, riding or scooting to and from school is a great way to connect with family and friends!


The City of Port Phillip encourages this program as walking, riding or scooting to school instead of driving is great for our health, our environment and for our community. It helps to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution and encourages kids to connect with their community. 


We are looking forward to our special ‘Healthy start Breakfast’ on Wednesday 15 November – Where Breakfast Club will take over and put on healthy breakfast options and even a smoothie bike! Parents and Carers you are invited to join our healthy breakfast between 8-9am. 


Please note that students coming to school for an early breakfast must be accompanied by an adult. Yard supervision starts at 8:45am.


We will need some parent helpers for this event to run smoothly. If you’d like to volunteer for the morning, please contact our Breakfast Club co-ordinator Helen on 0402227881.

Ms Osman

Physical Education 


Do you have school library books at home?

It is getting to that time of year where we start to chase overdue library books. Notices will soon be sent home identifying books that have been borrowed and not returned. In the meantime, please check under beds and scan your home book shelves for any school library books (they will have our barcode on the back) and return as soon as possible. 

Thank you,

Ms Breen
