Student News



5/6 Debates!

The 5/6s used their skills of persuasion as they participated in daily mini-debates. Every day, students would be assigned debating groups, their respective debate prompts and the stance that they would be arguing for. Teams only had 50 minutes to discuss, research and rehearse their arguments before facing off with their opposition! Students debated school and technological-related topics: Students should be able to bring their pets to school, Recess should be longer, The internet should be free, Paper books are better than eBooks etc.The collaboration and higher-order thinking to generate arguments and anticipate rebuttal viewpoints were outstanding; some students even bought their props! The 5/6 cohort are more confident in their public speaking skills and understand the importance of being an active audience. We are so proud of our future leaders of the world!




Bluearth Foundation works with schools to build movement into everyday life. 

The 3/4s have been fortunate enough to participate in weekly sessions over the past few weeks. In these sessions we have learned about resilience, honesty and being a team. We have continued playing these active games within class time to practice various social, emotional and physical skills, such as impulse management. 


We had a fantastic time, thank you Jake for leading all the sessions!