Facilities Sub Committee

Call out to the school community, earth excavation and retaining wall works
The Facilities Sub Committee is looking for someone within our wonderful school community with experience in earth excavation, leveling of earth and building retaining walls.
Area 1, located behind the portables
Requires levelling and possible removal of soil and a retaining wall to be built. We’d like to make this pathway more accessible and safe for students and staff to walk down.
Area 2, along the fencing on the Weeroona side of the school
This area also requires earth excavation, and building a retaining structure. Once earth is removed and levelled and a retaining wall built, we’d like to use the space to plant some new trees and shrubbery.
If you would like to assist in either or both of these projects and have the relevant expertise and equipment please contact the school office – 9568 1300 or murrumbeena.ps@education.vic.gov.au
With thanks, the Facilities Sub Committee