News from the Learning Community

Year 4 Learning Community
The Year 4 students attended the Life Education incursion this month. The key learning areas covered included:
- How to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours.
- Keeping personal information safe online.
- Responsible and respectful behaviour when using communication technology.
- Skills for building positive relationships with friends.
- Exploring the role of bystanders.
All students enjoyed the interactive presentation and meeting Harold the Giraffe. They came up with an individual Cyber safety goal to put into practice when online.
Premiers’ Reading Challenge
At Armstrong Creek School, we are delighted to announce that all students in Prep to Year 2 have successfully completed the 2023 Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Since the beginning of Term 2, our junior students have collectively read an impressive total of 1,135 books! This annual challenge is a state government initiative aimed at promoting literacy and nurturing a love for reading among school-aged children. To celebrate this remarkable achievement, all students received participation awards and were recognised at our recent whole-school assembly. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated teachers for their commitment to promoting the challenge and to our students for their enthusiasm in reading.
Laura and Nicole’s Year 2 Homegroup with their Premiers’ Reading Challenge Awards
Writing Extension
Early writing presents a cognitive challenge for young authors. In the process of learning to form letters, mastering word spellings, and constructing grammatically correct sentences, writing can be quite challenging. Fortunately, at Armstrong Creek School, our Year 1 and Year 2 students eagerly embrace these writing challenges, showing a keen interest in honing their skills. Each week, a group of selected students from Year 1 and Year 2 convene to enhance their writing abilities, aligning with our school-wide commitment to The Writing Revolution. These students craft sentences of exceptional quality and can even produce concise single paragraph outlines. We take immense pride in our budding student authors and eagerly anticipate them sharing their finished writing pieces with their families at the end of the year.
Our Year 1 Writing Extension Group sharing their best sentences in an authors circle.
Students from our Year 2 Writing Extension Group sharing their single paragraph outlines from late last term.