Community Group 

Trivia Night:

Wow, what an incredible success our Trivia Night was! As I looked around the room last Friday night, there was an overwhelming sense of community and generosity. With over 130 people in attendance, families and friends gathered for fun, trivia, raffles and a night where adults in our school community could just come together. 

Big events and fundraisers like the trivia night are only as successful as they are because of the team behind them, the guests that attend, and the business’ that so generously support them. 

A massive thank you to Raathika for heading up the subcommittee for the night. A huge thank you to the trivia team (too great to name names, but you know who you are and we see all you do). We all know voluntary roles are done with heart and soul, and Friday proved it was absolutely worth all the effort involved. 

Over $10,000 was raised on the night, with final figures to be confirmed. These funds will be used around our school particularly focusing on a sensory garden for our children. 


Please continue to support the business that so generously supported our school. 


Enjoy some of the photos from the night. 

Foundation transition coffee:

Next Friday 24th at 10.30, there will be a cuppa catchup in the auditorium for the Foundation 2024 carers after the information session. Please share with new Foundation families that they are welcome to join. If you’d like to help serve coffee please contact Sheena.


1/2 Dinner and movie night:

Community group has been asked to cook the BBQ dinner. If you are a 1/2 parent and would like to help, we need just a few volunteers to cook dinner. 

Please contact Sheena on: 0413 902 752 if you’d like to help. 



🍲There have been a few requests made for some meals. If you have the time and ability to make a meal, please date, label with ingredients and drop into the office. 🥘


If you are in need of a meal due to illness, a new baby or your family is just having a tough time, please reach out. 


Next Community Group Meeting: Tuesday December 5th at 7pm in the staffroom. All welcome. 


Sheena Russell