
"Listen to what the Spirit is saying."

Acknowledgment of Country

We turn our hearts and minds to the people of the Yorta Yorta nation, who have occupied this country for thousands of years. 

We pay respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging, and commit to walking alongside Aboriginal Australians in truth and justice. 


Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Focus: To make use of everything God gives us.


Preparing to hear God's word

God has given each of us special abilities and gifts to honour God and serve others.

Jesus reminds us that we should do our best with the talents God has given us.

Each of us must decide if we are going to use our gifts for God, and how we are going to do that.


A reading from the holy gospel according to Matthew  25:14-15, 19-21


Jesus told his disciples this story about the kingdom of God:

"The kingdom is like what happened when a man went away and put his three servants in charge of all he owned. The man knew what each servant could do.

So he handed five thousand coins to the first servant, two thousand to the second, and one thousand to the third.

Then he left the country.

"Some time later the master of those servants returned.

He called them in and asked what they had done with his money.

The servant who had been given five thousand coins

brought them in with the five thousand that he had earned.

He said, 'Sir, you gave me five thousand coins,

and I have earned five thousand more.'

"'Wonderful!' his master replied, 'You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more.

Come and share in my happiness!'"     


The Gospel of the Lord. 

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


Gospel Reflection 

Your Gifts from God


Why do you think the master was so happy with the servant for using his 5000 coins to earn another 5000 coins?  


What do you think Jesus was trying to teach about the abilities he has given to us?


God will help us to develop our talents but we need to be willing to use our abilities.


What are you really good at? What are your talents and gifts? 


How might you use your talents to help or bring joy to others this week?








God our father

Thank you for giving us special talents. 

Help us to find ways that we can use our talents to serve you and bring joy to others.






Upcoming Events

Thursday 14th December 12:30pm

End of Year Mass  & Year 6 Graduation @ St Brendan's Church


Breanna Levesque

Religious Education Leader.