
Deakin Young Influencer Award


We would like to congratulate Hannah Hart on being chosen as the recipient of the 2023 Deakin Young Influencer Award. This award is open to all Year 11 students and Hannah was selected as The Hamilton and Alexandra College winner, which is an incredible achievement.


The Deakin Young Influencer Award recognises excellence and celebrates students who are truly motivated to make a positive difference in the world - now and into the future. Deakin believes strongly in acknowledging outstanding students, who stand for the same values that we do. The University has rewarded Hannah’s efforts and achievements with a $5,000 scholarship to support their first year of study at Deakin in 2025.


Hannah was awarded for her commitment to helping, teaching and caring for others. She has worked with Brophy Family and Youth Services as a foster carer since the beginning of 2020, which has involved significant training. Her role has involved tutoring outside of school hours and helping students to complete school assignments. She has cared for children from a range of different ages, backgrounds and abilities and is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment. Community leadership is a value that Deakin seeks to uphold, and we commend this student’s commitment to it.


Congratulations Hannah, we wish you all the best and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.

Career News 

 Topics include:



  • Exciting programs – Young Endeavour, UK & US academic tours, RISE Global Leaders.
  • Focus on employment for summer jobs 
  • Built environments careers – be a future city builder
  • Cool jobs – early childhood education and aviation protection officer. 
  • Summer schools – career programs during the Christmas break
  • Upcoming career events
  • Focus on TAFE courses



  • Cyber security scholarship



  • Employment opportunities in finance and agriculture
  • Key tertiary dates
  • Scholarships
  • Early entry programs

Compass Career News


Items in the Career News include:


  • Dates to remember in Term 4
  • Reminder: VTAC 2024 Upcoming Key Dates
  • News from the University of Melbourne
    • New Narrm Scholarship Program
    • Studying Biomedicine or Science
  • ANU: Tuckwell Scholarship for 2025
  • University Terms
  • Speech Pathology and Audiology Degrees in Victoria in 2023 
  • Snapshot of Kangan Institute in 2023