Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Year 7 trial in the Boarding House


This week we were delighted to host our 2024 Year 7 boarders.  Our trial boarders experienced the boarding routine, trips about town, and playing some games with our current Year 7 and 8 boarders. 


Having a look through some old files I came across this photo of current Year 10 Boarder, Harry Dorahy during his trial boarding experience back in 2019. Harry is a wonderful member of our boarding community and we couldn’t be prouder of Harry. I have great optimism and positivity that our 2024 Year 7 trial boarders will follow Harry’s experience and we will look back in years to come and reflect on how our new boarders have grown into fine young men and women. 




Photo: Max Malseed (2024 Year 7 Boarder) with Felix Gill (current Year 7 Boarder)