Junior Campus

- Mr Stephen Nelson


Today we held our 2024 Orientation Day where our students stepped up to their new classes for the year ahead. This was an exciting day, starting to think about the year ahead.


Our Prep to Year Six classroom staff for 2024:

Prep - Mrs Sharon Kelly

Year 1 - Mrs Penny Callinan (3 days) and Mrs Peta Alexander (2 days)

Year 2 - Mrs Bernadette Milich

Year 3 - Ms Tzu Winstanley (3 days) and Mr Graham Lewis (2 days)

Year 4 - Mr Toby Hawthorne (4 days) and Mrs Peta Alexander (1 day)

Year 5 - Mrs Sarah Covill (3 days) and Mrs Brigita Keiller (2 days)

Year 6 - Mrs Jo Bell    


We welcome Ms Winstanley, Mr Hawthorne and Mrs Bell to our classroom teaching staff, and welcome back Mr Graham Lewis. 




Congratulations to Mrs Keiller and the Year 5 students on a wonderful three days at Sovereign Hill. The Costume School program is a unique experience. Our students quickly took up the role modelling of orphaned boys and girls attending the ‘Ragged Benevolent School’ in 1854.  As Head of Junior School, I was very proud of the students over our time in Ballarat. Sovereign Hill staff commented on their manners and attitude throughout their stay. At the conclusion of the two-day Costume School program, the following students received awards. 

  • Best Girl Apprentice - Miss Emma Milne
  • Best Boy Apprentice - Master Sid Hawker
  • Medallion Winner - Master Archie Aitken 


This year we moved to a cheaper and more efficient system of ordering booklists. In previous years, parents have sourced the required exercise books, textbooks and stationery items through Campion (formally Warrnambool Books). In 2023 we set up a centralised system where class teachers ordered materials, and these were sourced by the College. Class teachers and Mrs Povey did a great job with the ordering. 


Exercise books used by the children will be sent home at the end of the school year. Any remaining stationery items and year level textbooks will stay in the classrooms and be used in 2024. This will ensure the overall amount paid by parents will again be reduced in 2024. If parents have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the Junior School.