Deputy Principal, Wellbeing

 - Miss Kristen Waldron

We are delighted to have finalised our 2024 camps and expeditions programs. There have been a number of changes made and are confident that College is providing incredible opportunities for all students. These experiences offer invaluable lessons and memories that will last a lifetime and we are thrilled to be returning to international travel as our Year 9s head to Vietnam.  In every experience, we focus on personal growth, team building, connection with nature, fun and adventure. 


Here is an overview of the camps and expedition opportunities we're thrilled to present in 2024.


Year 7: Glenelg River Experience - 28 October to 1 November 

Four-day Outdoor Education camp to the Glenelg River, camping at Pritchards Canoe Camp followed by two other different camp sites along the river bank.



Year 8: Mittagundi – 15 to 21 August 

Seven-day camp based in the Victorian High Country at Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre. Students spend time cross-country skiing and working on the property, helping with wood chopping, fencing, animal husbandry, gardening and catering. Mittagundi offers a great way for the Year 8s to build teamwork and interdependence. This program is a specialised program designed especially for our Year 8s. 


Year 9: Grampians Retreat - 22 to 23 February

Students reconnect after the summer break, bonding through a series of problem-solving and team-building exercises. 




Year 9: Urban Experience Melbourne – 5 to 10 May

Students explore Melbourne through a range of activities and excursions. Self-led activities assist students in learning about city life, how to function in the metropolitan environment, and how to use public transport. They are encouraged to collaborate with peers and show initiative and leadership during the week.


Aligning with the College value of compassion, the students will attend several sessions designed to open their eyes to cultural diversity. The overarching goal for the Urban Experience is to get students to imagine life in Melbourne for a future world of work or study.




Year 9: International Vietnam Service and Cultural Program - 9 to 28 September

This 19-day international adventure will provide opportunities for cultural immersion, service projects, and individual and group growth. Students will learn about all aspects of Vietnamese culture and will help a remote community. 



Year 10: Central Australia - Sunday 14 to 21 July

Travelling with Remote Tours, this camp will broaden students’ appreciation of the Australian natural environment and indigenous connection to the country community. The camp will also foster opportunities for personal challenge and growth, traveling through Central Australia and the Flinders Rangers to arrive at Uluru.


Year 11: University Open Days

We plan to take Year 11s to Melbourne to experience a number of University Open Days and leadership workshops. Confirmation of dates will occur once the Open Day information for 2024 has been released. 




Year 12: Deakin University Geelong - 28 to 30 January

This experience is intended to set students up for a positive start to the academic year. Motivational speakers, some writing workshops and some lessons in a lecture theatre. The point of staying on Campus at Deakin Waurn Ponds is to give students exposure and understanding of what a Uni Residence is like.