Junior Learning Community 

The whole school had an amazing week at the pool this week! We have been on and off the bus all week and it has been wonderful to see everyone working together as a team. Our spectacular little swimmers have been showing some impressive skills in the water with all the floating, torpedoes and bubbles that have been happening in the pool. 


In the 1/2 unit we have been discussing how to be a person that makes the world around us better. We listened to the parable ‘The Story of Leaven’ and the students reflected how our actions can have a positive contribution to the lives of others. Everyone enjoyed making damper just as Jesus made bread for the disciples. Thank you to Mrs Moodie for getting her bake on early in the morning. 


Our Inquiry unit has been really fun this term, we are learning all about Australia and hearing lots of wonderful stories about where the students have traveled and the sights they have seen around the country. This theme has connected wonderfully with our focus books for the term ‘Runt’ by Craig Silvey and ‘Are We There Yet?’ by Allison Lester. 


We are really looking forward to our upcoming incursion, we are excited to have dinner and watch a movie at school and then to stay the night with the Year Two students. It will be a fun night for all.