Library News

Term 4, Week 5

Welcome to another busy, but productive week in the library with lots of books being borrowed and great stories being read. 

This Week’s Reads

Kindergarten - are learning more about book series and this week are reading some wonderful books about a mischievous seagull in ‘Chip’ and ‘Chip the Lifeguard’ by Kylie Howarth. Students will have fun making a new disguise for Chip so he can join lifeguard training and discussing how they know if Chip is fiction or non-fiction.


Daniel did a great job last week, designing new outfits for Norton and Bear.

Stage 1 

Is using Gary Fleming’s animal non-fiction books as a stimulus to develop research skills. After reading sections of these books, students begin the research process by using World Book Web (WBW), the school’s digital encyclopedia, to read about interesting animals around the world. Students are able to access WBW quickly and easily using a QR Code and they had a great time exploring some of the features of this site. One benefit of using the iPad is that with WBW, they can use the microphone feature to say tricky words in the search bar, which makes this really accessible for younger students. Students LOVE this lesson and are able to recall some interesting facts about all sorts of things. I look forward to seeing what they write about next week.


Kassidy did a great response to ‘I Need a Parrot’ last week, I would love to see a dancing panda!

Stage 2 - are continuing to learn how to look for genres in the library by using Oliver to search for books. Oliver is the library’s cataloguing system and students can refine their searches by filtering for genres and collections (that is, junior fiction, non-fiction, picture books, or even senior fiction). Students have enjoyed seeing their borrowing history and even learned how to request books too. 


Stage 3 - this week are learning about literary devices found in graphic novels, specifically, foreshadowing, flashbacks, points of view, and the use of sound effects called onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia are words that sound like the noise being described. Think Batman - Kapow! They’ll have a bit of fun with some pop art drawing too.

Last week, 5WF learned the names of graphic novel features - panel, frame, gutter, bleed, speech bubble, thought bubble, and sound effects.

SORA and Kindergarten

Over the last couple of weeks, some Kindy students have been learning how to use SORA, the school’s ebook and audiobook digital library. After we logged on (which was a process in itself!), the students were taken with books that could be read on an iPad and pages that swiped, not turned. Last Friday, we moved on to searching for and listening to an audiobook. What a great way to end the week. Check out some of our ‘zen’ students. I look forward to sharing SORA with more Kindergarten students soon.

Book Club Update - Gift Orders Available at the Office

Boxes of books arrived on Friday afternoon and yesterday orders were sent home with students. If you selected the ‘gift’ option when ordering, these books are now awaiting collection at the front office. Once again, thanks again for your support of Book Club this year, we really appreciate the valuable resources this allows us to buy for the library.

Year 10 - Library Books

With the end of the year fast approaching, it's important that Year 10 students make an effort to return any overdue library books and English texts as soon as possible. I've emailed reminders to all students, but I’ll be starting to follow these up more regularly now. To avoid receiving a replacement invoice, if you could please remind your children to bring them in, that would be appreciated. It’s amazing how many kids have them sitting on their desks at home (or even in their school bag!) and just ‘forget’ to bring them in.  Hopefully, they'll all be returned soon.

New Secondary Book Alert

We couldn’t just get new books for the Primary, check out some of the new reads for our Secondary students too. You may also notice the genre stickers we’re continuing to add to secondary fiction to make choosing books easier. Can you pick what genre these books are?


Secondary chilling in the library yesterday during lunch break - oh to be young!

Happy reading,

Mrs. Toni Fraser