from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

Walking throughout each class this week was a rewarding sight. The engagement and energy through their learning highlight the growth of our students. Many exciting conversations have occurred due to their interest in specific subjects like Science and History. 


Currently, our teachers are collating and collecting data that identifies areas of strength and growth over this semester (thus far). The positive reactions amplify the progress our students are making. We encourage all students to continue to stay motivated and focused on their learning. 

Optimism and changing the fixed mindset of our students

Our world is a busy place and time escapes us, our-to-do list and the stress or pressure of decisions builds within our thought processes.  At times, we forget to breathe and control the things in front of us. 


Speaking to some children over the week they become absorbed in the process of seeking perfection and or believing within themselves that they can't help do things (skills and/or writing).

When communicating with them use the terms

Growth Mindset/Opitimism (A way to view things with an open mind - a glass half full)

Fixed mindset ( The view of comparison or judgement - a glass half empty) 

Students have been able to identify and distinguish their thoughts in either a postive manner or negative viewpoint.  When time is taken to clarify and simply listen we hear more and we start to understand the complexity of the developing mind.  


During my discussions, some key points that I like to discuss with students are:

  • What can you control in this situation?
  • How does this make you feel (and or the other person)
  • What was your next reaction?
  • What can I/we plan for right now?

SRC - leadership for 2024: Self-nominations 

Our Year 5 students this week were spoken to about leadership positions in 2024. Self-nominations for School Captains and SRC are open until 18 November (Friday of Wk 6). When students nominate themselves, they need to complete a few questions that showcase themselves as why they would be good leaders for HTS to be considered for this application. 




Congratulations to the following Award Winners 

KSBlake Schwark, Willow Forsyth, Harrison Fenton 
KDMatilda Andrews, Blair Colley, Jackson Roberts
1MWilliam O'Brien, Jackson Coleman, Charlie McCleod
1SHunter Aitken, Matthew Daniels, William Irwin
2GMichael Kuhn, Bella Ehsman, Lucy Taylor
2MHarvey Edwards, Kendall Brown, Henry Schiller 
3GEvelyn Jinesh, Esabel Jinesh 
3WSienna Bourke, Tyler Van Duuren, Percy Lee
4DFergus Lea, Emily Stewart, Ella McGavin 
4PMillie Dyer-Cleal, Milla Lynch, Harper Will
5BDes Collins, Hailee Zell
5DLBryonee Hoe, Brooklynn Simpson, Ruby Selig, Paige Potter, Sophie Foley 
5WFFred O'Brien, Seaton Higgins 
6SIsabelle Blanck, Xian Zapata, Demi Goldman 