2024 Parent Payment Arrangements and Stationery

Payment Requirements
Once again thank you for your support with these contributions. Access to Compass to make payment will be available early January 2024, payment prior to the date is not accessible. You will be notified via a Compass post when the site is live.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Brighton Beach Primary School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of the 2024 Brighton Beach Primary School Parent Payment Contributions.
State Schools provide all students with free instruction to fulfil the requirements of the standard Victorian Curriculum. Your contributions ensure, that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support.
Your choices in paying the Curriculum Contributions and Other Contributions enable the extensive learning programs and facilities upgrades that are ongoing at BBPS. Please know these contributions make a huge difference to our school.
In addition, the tax-deductible Building and Library Funds contribute to planned improvements we make to the learning spaces, the facilities, resources and equipment.
Some of our school improvement projects underway and for the future include:
- The restoration of 'the yarning circle' and replacement of the boundary fence, landscaping and plantings in the senior play space.
- The installation of an inclusive play space, with natural features and plantings at the front of the hall.
- Adding STEAM as a specialist subject in 2023
- Enacting key aspects of our Reconciliation Action Plan
- A planned upgrade of technology hardware - new class sets of iPads and laptops.
- Stage Four of our building master plan: the refurbishment of the three original heritage listed classrooms that front Windermere
- The provision of increased shade for outdoor learning spaces and ongoing maintenance of the mod-grass oval and Exon soccer pitch.
- Setting aside funds for the refurbishment of the hall, music room, art room and canteen (now 22 years on after opening in 2001)
For 2024, based on parental feedback, we will remain with the lump sum format of requesting payment for all Extra Curriculum Items & Activities i.e. incursions, excursions, swimming and sport. This will eliminate the ongoing requests for payment of each event throughout the year.
In particular, we thank you for all your involvement that supports fundraising or volunteering your time at the school. This is what makes our school, a community. In the face of constant changes regarding COVID guidelines, we look forward to our quest to build better pathways for our kids.
For further information on the Department's Parent Payments Policy and the Parent Payment Contributions click here.
Yours sincerely,
Stationery Pack
The Department of Education & Training require all schools to manage the student stationery packs. Our aim is to continue to:
- Minimise the cost (by buying in bulk from the one supplier)
- Avoid duplication and waste by only ordering what the students will use
- Avoid unnecessary packaging by having it all arrive at school in Year level allotments.
All families are directed to Kaka Supplies , our preferred school supplier. In this link you will need to click on the year level requirements for your child/children for 2024 to pay for the stationery. Kaka will collate the stationery packs by year level and deliver them to the school in bulk in late January.
Kaka Supplies require payment and confirmation by December 10th, 2023. Any orders received after this date will incur a $14.95 surcharge fee. However, should you prefer to buy your own stationary pack items, you can access the list using the same link and bring the stationery with your child to school on the first day of Term 1, 2024.
It is certainly up to parents as to whether you order from Kaka or source materials yourself. We would, however, highly recommend that you carefully consider ordering through the Kaka system. This ensures that children receive exactly what is required.
To order please follow these steps -
- Visit: www.booklistsbbps.com
- Go to: PURCHASE BOOKLISTS in menu heading
- Enter: bbps0888 in the Guest Area
- Select the pack(s) you require for the 2024 School year
- Enter the student’s full name and then add pack to the cart
- Proceed to checkout and complete personal and payment details
- An order confirmation will be sent to your email address