Library News 

Friday 24th November will be the last time students can borrow from the library for 2023.

It is important that all books are returned to the library by Friday 1st December.  The library will be closed to stocktake all items.


We ask that Prep-2 families return home readers by Friday 24th so that we can stocktake these the following week. Home reading will then recommence for the last couple of weeks of the year.  If any other families have the small home reading books gathering dust at home from previous years, we'd love to have them back please. Your assistance is appreciated.


Notices will be sent home to those with outstanding loans and items not returned will need to be paid for.


We would also really appreciate help with the stocktake.  If you have some spare time, even an hour or two, please feel free to drop in and help us scan the books.  We appreciate any help and no experience is necessary.


Thank you

Kerri Hirst & Therese Jackson