Learning & Teaching

Semester 2 Reports
Over the next few weeks, teachers will be assessing students and moderating work samples in preparation for Semester Two Student Reports. Semester Two Student Reports will be available on Thursday 14 December. Sacred Heart’s Student Reports are in line with the reporting standards of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Student Reports assess students' achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework. Your child’s report will be made accessible electronically, via a Parent Portal, for you to read and discuss with your child. More information regarding Student Reports will be shared with you closer to the date.
Year 3 IMAX Excursion
This term, the Year Three students have been exploring how the Earth's surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activities. They have been investigating how weather patterns change and can lead to extreme weather conditions. To support this Earth and Space Inquiry Unit, the students went to IMAX on Friday 20 October to watch the 'Extreme Weather' 3D movie which was followed by time exploring the Melbourne Museum.