Last Day of School Activities

Dear Years 7 to 10 Parents/Carers,


The school year is quickly coming to an end, and I did want to inform you about the activities we have planned for the last day of school, which is next Thursday 23 November.

The day will commence with a College assembly during which we will be announcing the student leaders in Years 8 to 11 for 2024; this will be a very exciting event. Parents/carers of the successful candidates will be informed on Monday afternoon via email and will be invited to attend this assembly. Any other parents/carers that would like to attend this College assembly are welcome to. 


During the day, the students will rotate through a series of activities, including Zumba, Mini Olympics or a pool swim, and Trivia. We will also be having year level meetings on the day, during which we will impart final messages for the year and have a clean-up. On this note, please ensure your child has returned any school resources eg. textbooks, other resources from the iCentre, and over the coming days they progressively empty their locker.


The day will conclude with a Christmas Liturgy during which we will be celebrating the 800th anniversary of the Greccio Story. The final event will be a Carol-off between the Houses.


Students are able to wear their sports uniform on this day and are encouraged to get into the festive spirit by wearing Christmas accessories eg. socks, earrings, ribbons, etc. They are also asked to bring their togs and a towel if they plan on going swimming.


The day does promise to be a lot of fun and a great way to finish the school year.